BotP Close-up 079

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BotP Close-up 079

Post: # 653Post Bobkat »

Another favorite this week with Defector to Spectra.

A trusted scientist appears to be feeding Spectra the greatest Federation secrets. However, it turns out, he's under great duress. Enter G-Force who figures out what's going on in their usual, snarky, and humorous style. :lol:

We also get a peek into the goings on of daily Federation life when Princess takes her teammates to a place she likes to hang out and it's not Jill's. :) We also get a sneak at the cloak and dagger that is implied and alluded to throughout the series. It's a fun one to watch and we also receive another hint to Mark and Princess' relationship. :) Enjoy!

The Other Jason's write up is here:

E79: Defector to Spectra

Act One

7-Zark-7 is in the middle of a "refreshing" olive oil shower because there is a serious lull in the action. It's calm and peaceful in the universe as 1-Rover-1 holds Zark's towel. However, the intercom buzzes just as Zark begins to sing "Oil Drops Falling on my Head." The robot finishes, wrapping the towel about him only to discover it's Susan from Pluto on the other end! Zark quickly pulls the towel up but starts groaning and is bent over. Susan asks what's wrong and Zark's FOSDIC has slipped out of place. She knows this can be a painful situation and tells Zark to lie prone on his slant board. However, Zark must continue to keep surveillance on the entire galaxy. Susan says she'll call a Center Neptune technician to see Zark right away.

Zark is certainly in a pickle because Chief Anderson and G-Force are on "detached duty" at Intergalactic Federation Headquarters. Zark's computers have found evidence that a Spectran spy is operating within their own "central security agency." When Chief Anderson meets "Gregg" in the hallway, it becomes clear that Gregg may be that spy. After the encounter, Gregg goes to a computer vault and breaks in with a laser. The chief follows him long enough to see that Gregg is "a traitor" and watches him on monitors. Gregg then attaches a device to steal some cryptographic code.

Later, Chief Anderson shows the surveillance tapes to G-Force, "There it is. When they go over the wall, they go fast and unexpectedly." He explains to the team that Gregg has been with the organization for ten years and has always acted with the utmost integrity. Now, it appears Gregg is about to hand Spectra the Federation's master code. Mark says he hasn't known Gregg as long as the chief but he seemed okay and wonders what could have happened. Chief Anderson doesn't know either, finding it difficult to reconcile Gregg with Spectra's philosophy of universal domination. Tiny clears his throat and figures something sketchy is happening in Gregg's personal life and the chief agrees. Chief Anderson says Gregg has been a widower for years, so seeing a woman wouldn't be unreasonable. However, if he fed her secrets, there is no way Spectra will "let him up." Jason adds that Gregg never struck him as the type to give out secrets.

Chief Anderson is at a loss but he did have a premonition that Gregg would be heading toward the Bry Building across the street from the Federation headquarters. It's suspected to a Spectran base where some of the spy operations are being run. Princess says she had a premonition too that Gregg would be heading to Disco Don's for "one of those great chocolate drinks." Chief Anderson tells the team that no matter their personal feelings, they must stop Gregg. While he may be going through a rough patch, they have to assume Gregg is going to make it rough on them. The chief is open to the possibility of a ransom demand or even blackmail. Mark tells the chief they'll talk to Gregg – he may not even be aware of what he's getting into.

The team goes to Disco Don's where Tiny slurps down "the best hot chocolate in the galaxy." When Tiny guzzles his drink to the last drop, Keyop admonishes him about his "worst manners." Tiny retorts, "How are you gonna know it's good to the last drop if you don't drink the last drop?" Jason jumps on them both, "Knock it off! We're here on Princess' hunch but if it's no better than the chief's, it's a pretty expensive gamble." Princess says she'll buy but Gregg goes there everyday. Mark asks her why should she buy, she took them someplace new. Besides, Gregg shows up. As he puts on his sunglasses, Mark quips, "I could use better material for this act." Princess tells him to be careful.

Gregg sits at the bar and orders a chocolate, refusing to turn over his attaché case to the bartender. Mark takes a seat beside him telling Gregg he's been waiting for him to show up. Gregg recognizes Mark immediately and before Mark flashes a card with a Spectran emblem on it saying he's looking to defect. Gregg wonders why Mark would confide in him and the commander says he thinks of Gregg as a "kindred spirit." Gregg says there's an ugly word for what Mark is talking about – "treason." Gregg tells Mark in a low voice to "follow me" and the pair departs the place. The bartender brings Gregg's order and wonders aloud, "Who's going to take care of the chocolate?" Jason asks, "Who's gonna take care of Mark!?"

Gregg and Mark travel in a car to a huge house "out in the country." Mark sits in the back seat and plants a bug on Gregg's car. They arrive at the house with Mark playing up his role as a defector. Gregg leads Mark into a huge library where Mark knocks off a picture of a pretty girl. Mark asks, "Who's the fox?" Gregg explains "the fox" is his daughter, Amanda, who is as brilliant and sweet as her dead mother. Gregg says he's fortunate and goes on to say he hasn't seen Amanda in three days, nearly breaking down. The light bulb clicks in Mark's head – Spectra has her! This is what is motivating Gregg to do what he's doing.

Things turn on Mark in quick succession when he asks if Amanda ran away. Gregg pulls a gun on him and traps him in an inescapable electron force field! He tosses a handkerchief on the field and it incinerates immediately to prove the point. Gregg tells Mark he'll call Chief Anderson next to send over some police to arrest Mark for treason! Just then, Zoltar contacts Dr. Gregg via video demanding the doctor meet the leader right away. Gregg is 30 minutes late the way it is. He grabs his case and runs out while Mark pleads with him to tag along – Mark can help him get Amanda back. Dr. Gregg ignores him and runs to his car to go meet Zoltar.

While Dr. Gregg takes off, Mark calls the rest of the team to follow him – his car is bugged so they should be able to track him. Jason acknowledges the order with a "Big Ten" and takes off with the rest of the team. The bartender yells at them for running out on the check, "What about the drinks?" Tiny waves at him while he runs out the door, "Very good." The hapless bartender yells back, "Thanks! I just hate to give away bad drinks!"

Dr. Gregg keeps driving to his meet Zoltar determined to win Amanda's release. "Hang on, Mandy. I'll have you back in an hour." Meanwhile, Mark studies the trap he's in and while he "hates to spoil his plans," Mark devises an escape. He tosses a mini explosive at the controls and blows up the trap. The force field drops and Mark runs for it.

In the city, the rest of the team finds Dr. Gregg's car and Jason removes the tracking bug. Jason comments, "My man Mark, always using the ol' think tank." Now they need to figure out which building Dr. Gregg went into. Princess mentions the chief's hunch about the Bry Building. Tiny remarks, "I don't go in for hunches. And I sure don't buy two hunches coming through on the same day." Keyop, in the meantime, has found something of interest – a sleek looking red hot rod. He asks his teammates for a "can opener." Keyop then finds the door unlocked and figured out how to open it. He jumps into the car as Princess jumps him about it not belonging him. He starts playing with the gearshift eventually clicking in "G" and that lowers the driver's seat into a "secret passage." Princess is shocked until they look down and Jason says, "See if you can stay put for a minute." The team leaps down to where Keyop was lowered.

Zoltar sits on a throne-like chair meeting Dr. Gregg and noticing he's brought something "precious." Dr. Gregg wishes he knew why but Zoltar knows that Dr. Gregg wishes to see his daughter again. Dr. Gregg is reluctant to turn over the case feeling terrible about turning his back on his planet. Zoltar doesn't care ripping the case out of Dr. Gregg's hands. The leader is giddy because now they will have the ability to intercept and decode all messages to and form G-Force. – Spectra will know the team's every move. When Dr. Gregg mentions "friends and colleagues," zoltar shows him a video monitor following the team in the Spectran base.

Dr. Gregg tries to quickly explain he has no idea how they got there – he didn't tell them. Zoltar isn't unhappy – he's actually delighted. He orders Dr. Gregg to eliminate G-Force but Dr. Gregg pleads to not have to do that. The situation is spiraling out of control for Dr. Gregg who now finds himself between a rock and a hard place. He's being asked to become an assassin on top of being a traitor. When Dr. Gregg says he's being "reduced" to commit these crimes, Zoltar takes offense saying that working for Spectra is not a reduction. Dr. Gregg pulls out his gun and readies to take off after the team. Zoltar reminds Dr. Gregg that he is to kill all five, otherwise, Zoltar will have to "move against" Amanda.

The team finds Zoltar's escape craft in the shape of a ladybug. Jason chuckles, "Leave it to Keyop to fall into the right place." Tiny finds an elevator and the team get in. Keyop chirps, "Down, anyone?" Zoltar watches them on monitor, " What you should of said is, "Down everyone!"" He pulls a lever and the bottom of the elevator car gives way. The team lands in the shaft with Keyop wishing he said "up." Jason notes that someone is working hard to "put us out of commission." The bottom closes up and the car moves down onto the team! Jason landed on the counterweight and it moves up to the car. He tells Princess to throw her yo-yo and she blows a hole into the car. Jason leaps inside intent on trying to stop the car from the inside, but he has no success. He tells the others to jump up. They wind up in a line with Jason hanging onto Princess, Tiny holding onto her, and Keyop dangling from Tiny! The car keeps going down the shaft!

Act Two

Zark stands in the middle of the control room saying things are "awful." He explains the team, except Mark, is in trouble and maintenance has him stuck with a slipped FOSDIC. Zark feel he's derelict in his duties and tries to go to the monitors to make contact with G-Force. He tries flying to the monitors but only goes up – it's no use. He's worried about what's happening. Should Spectra get their hands on the Federation code, it will spell disaster for the alliance. Rover yips that he'll help and Zark knows this but there's not much the robots can do.

At the Spectran base, the team keeps heading down but the car suddenly stops. Keyop squeezed his eyes shut but opens them again when they stop. The door slides open with Mark backlighted. "Don't just hang there, do something!" Keyop is thrilled to see Mark. As the team reunites, Dr. Gregg walks a hall. The team winds up in the same hall and hide but appear when Dr. Gregg strolls closer. Mark and Dr. Gregg greet each other with Mark glad to see Dr. Gregg "without your new friends." Dr. Gregg says they may not be far behind. Mark is able to disarm Dr. Gregg and offer their help to rescue Amanda. Dr. Gregg drops the gun, nearly breaks again but accepts their help. As they're talking, Zoltar makes a run for it but Princess spots him. Mark runs after him, ordering the team to look after Dr. Gregg and beats Zoltar to the escape craft.

Zoltar climbs in and takes off from the Bry Building. He arrives at a seaside mansion acting as cover for another Spectran base housing an elite guard unit. Mark sits in the craft eavesdropping on Zoltar's speech to the guard unit. Once it becomes quiet, Mark sneaks out of the escape craft. Meanwhile, Zoltar shows his guards the case Dr. Gregg turned over. Zoltar says, "Today G-Force, tomorrow, the universe!" Mark walks around the base finding a locked door. He throws his boomerang to break in but a hooded figure tries to corner him! It's Amanda! He says, "Well, hello," after he removes her mask.

Mark frees her and they run out avoiding Spectra's elite goons. Amanda can barely keep up but Mark keeps her running. They run to the escape craft only to have it take off with Zoltar at the helm. Zoltar yells down that in a moment, Mark will only be "a miserable memory." A time bomb rolls down to Mark's feet and he knows he's running out of time. He takes Amanda to the door but are met by the elite guards. Mark psyches them out, "The biggest bomb I've ever seen is right back there set to go off in 15 seconds. You better get out fast!" The guards see it for themselves and everyone high-tails it out. Mark and Amanda run to the front door and take cover behind a concrete wall just as the place blows up.

Mark holds Amanda close during the multiple explosions and apologizes for hanging onto her so tightly. She won't hear of it, feeling appreciative of Mark's protectiveness and the hormones kick in as well. She tells Mark that no one has ever made her feel that way before. He answers that she shouldn't talk that way and thinks to himself that she would feel the same toward anyone who saved her. He knows he "can't get entangled."

Mark calls the team who is at the other base with Dr. Gregg reporting that Amanda is safe. Jason answers as Mark calls in, asking about Zoltar and the codes. Mark tells him Zoltar "split with it." Jason takes on a serious tone knowing they have to get the codes back or recypher all the security codes. Keyop adds the process to recypher could take months. Dr. Gregg shares some great news, the codes won't have to be changed! He rigged the system to give Zoltar the codes but when he plays it back, it will erased itself – the codes Zoltar has are useless! "I know I look weak, but I never intended Spectra to have our code. I was only trying to get Amanda back safely." When Zoltar runs the machine, sure enough the tape spits out without any punch holes! It's worthless and Zoltar is beyond frustrated.

Back at the base, Dr. Gregg is relieved seeing the black clouds part after a long while. He explains there was no way he could sell out the Federation or his friends. Tiny apologizes to Dr. Gregg because he was certain that the doctor was tangled up with Spectra. Dr. Gregg was sure he could handle the situation alone but he was wrong – he's so grateful to G-Force for helping him. Princess is the first to accept the compliment saying they were happy to help.

Mark and Amanda hang out at a train terminal until Dr. Gregg shows up. Mark comments on how touching it is to see how much Dr. Gregg loves his daughter. Amanda agrees but says she wishes someone else would care for her too. Mark tells her someone will. Just then, Dr. Gregg appears, calling out to "Mandy." She runs to him and father and daughter are reunited with Amanda turning to her rescuer who has conveniently disappeared.

They board a high-speed train for home but Amanda is restless. As she walks to another car, she sees Mark in civilian clothes. She thinks to herself that she wishes she was the person he "has affections for" because she's certain there's someone he likes very much. Mark thinks to himself that he has his duty to G-Force and his strong feelings for Princess. Mark looks away and Amanda walks past him dropping the flower out of her hair. Mark studies as the train continues on. Zark says her heart is broken but Mark's life is so dangerous and Amanda will move on. It's not fair to ask someone to share it.

In the control room, Zark compares the pain he's dealing with to Amanda's broken heart – gag! He's still dealing with a slipped FOSDIC and says Amanda doesn't know "what real suffering is." Zark tries to fly again but fails. Mark and Princess drop by with Princess saying they missed him. Zark apologizes and the pair tells him they were concerned that they didn't hear from him during the whole mission. Zark does tell them he suffered from a slipped FOSDIC. Princess is very sympathetic and gives him a kiss. That does the trick – the FOSDIC is back in place. A little love makes all the difference. Zark hopes Susan will understand.

This plot summary Copyright Bobbi Baker ©2021. No reproduction of any kind without permission.
Cure DragonEagle 255
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Re: BotP Close-up 079

Post: # 654Post Cure DragonEagle 255 »

You are about to cover the ENTIRE SERIES. Kudos!
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