BotP Close-up 047

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BotP Close-up 047

Post: # 516Post Bobkat »

This week, the team meets President Kane. However, it's not under the best of circumstances. Zoltar is in charge of this mission to get one up on the Federation - to steal the Galaxy Code! This ep has some great moments as every member of the team gets in on the action. Of course in the end, our heroes prevail. It's a fun ep to watch - seeing the workings of the Federation and just what is at stake on both sides. :) Enjoy!

Apologies for getting this out a day late - real life got in the way a bit. ;)

The Other Jason's write-up is here:

E47: Capture of the Galaxy Code

Act One

7-Zark-7 is deep beneath sea at Center Neptune keeping an eye out across the galaxy for threats. He's at the center of it all saying his job is easier because he has a G-Force uniform and all the gadgets he's invented for the team – cutting his job by split seconds. Zark flies to his monitors with "robot liberation" but doesn't want to get carried away. He zooms in on Spectra to see what they're up to.

The Luminous One summons Zoltar demanding results rather than attempts. It tells Zoltar it wants him to handle the next mission himself and not to delegate to "underlings." Zoltar complies and heads up the next mission. Meanwhile in Center Neptune, the team hangs out in their Ready Room. Princess and Keyop are playing music, Tiny is eating space burgers while Mark and Jason play ping-pong. Tiny offers the others space burgers since he's already eaten four and can only eat two or three more. Jason tells him that a little inactivity shouldn't lessen his appetite. Mark gripes about the lack of action asking Jason if he can make their game more exciting. Princess laments that Zark or Chief Anderson hasn't called them and the lull is making them all "gloomy." Keyop kicks up the action with a drum solo causing Mark to make a foul hit at the ping-pong table. The ball flies, knocks the latest space burger out of Tiny's hands and lands in Tiny's mouth! Keyop finally gets done and asks, "Feel better?" Tiny holds the ping-pong ball from his mouth.

Zark calls into the Ready Room via video with new orders. His finely tuned Field Probes have detected Zoltar has established a new base near Central City. He tells them to see Chief Anderson right away. The team leaves the Ready Room on a lowered deck and reports to Chief Anderson. He briefs them that he believes Spectra is aware of their mission and begins showing a film. He tells them to hold questions until it's done. A case is shown and once open reveals a tape deck of some sort. Tiny asks if they have to deliver it and the chief tells him they have to ensure delivery. The piece is so vital that the only person cleared to carry it is the President of the Intergalactic Federation! Tiny says it must be extremely important and the chief explains it's the central unit for the new Dynastral Computer. When Keyop can't pronounce the full name, the chief says, "Later."

Chief Anderson moves on to the details of the mission originating at Magnaport, which is the newest land base. Only the most sensitive missions are started here because of its hyper security. Mark comments that they're being careful with the chief saying they have to be because the computer is going to back up the Conway Tapes. Jason remarks that the Phoenix has done everything else, why not "haul a hunk of hardware." The Chief tells them they won't be carrying it but will be escorting the plane that will. The aircraft is an older private jet but is loaded to the teeth for security. Keyop calls it an "old classic." The chief tells them that the case will be locked in the President's chair and they do expect him to arrive on target. Chief Anderson goes on to say they will meet mid-air at 0100 hours and they are to keep him in sight until he arrives at his destination. The chief reminds them the stakes are all too high: the future of the galaxy.

The team yells, "G-Force!" then launch the Phoenix from Center Neptune on their way for their mid-air meet. Meanwhile at Magnaport, several Spectran goons stalk a airline stewardess eventually grabbing her and taking her into the back of a semi. Zoltar uses a special power to change himself to impersonate her. Zoltar leaves the truck for the aircraft.

The flight crew runs their pre-flight checklist and everything is good to go. They watch as the President arrives to board the plane and they notify the tower. The first officer comments that the President is impressive with the captain noting he doesn't move without his bodyguards. Zoltar, as the stewardess, greets the President as he boards and he asks if she's new. She answers that they've flown before and the President blows it off as perhaps the "striking" pin she's wearing. As the President boards, he places the case in the arm of the seat he will taking. Zoltar watches the President's every move. The President tells his staff, "Now … let planet Spectra try a surprise." The group takes their assigned seats.

The aircraft takes off vertically from Magnaport then configures for forward flight by rotating its engines. When it hits cruising altitude, Zoltar takes off the pin and sets it loose – it's a robotic spider. He sends it on its way via a remote control toward the guards and two pilots to make them take "a short nap." Zoltar wants to ultimately divert the craft to Spectra headquarters. As the plane flies, the captain tells the first officer to radio the Phoenix but the call is never made. The spider makes its way forward to the cockpit where it disables both pilots and takes control of the plane! Zark attempts to make contact but there's no answer.

Act Two

Zark rides in his vacuum tube to his Ready Room for a ten second oil break. He doesn't feel guilty taking a break because G-Force should be in contact with the President's plane at any moment. He receives a call from Susan. "No rest for the electronic watch dog." She calls to tell Zark he's wanted on monitor due to an Intergalactic Emergency transmit. Zark makes his way back down to Nerve Center nattering on about Susan, his private secretary. He's heard that her Multiplex Discontinuity Filters are beautiful – he's never met her. Zark also wonders if she was built under his sign of Virgo due to their circuits being so compatible.

The Phoenix nears their rendezvous point with the President's plane. Zark calls G-Force and informs them that an alert has been received from Magnaport – the regular stewardess is not on the President's plane. Mark is a bit antsy because it's 15 minutes past their rendezvous time. Jason says they need to start looking for the plane and Tiny circles the Phoenix for better vantage points. He also comments that the older plane may not have been able to make it to the higher altitude.

The spider is still in control of the airplane and flies toward the base. The President sees that they are off-course and mentions something to the stewardess who gives the President mouth about Spectra is never off-course. The President begins pressing his emergency signal to let the Phoenix know he's in trouble, commenting that he knew something was wrong with the stewardess. Mark receives the message answering back with a 10-9 (Repeat) and wanting his coordinates.

The team is immediately on alert as Mark calls Chief Anderson. Mark tells the chief they received some emergency bleeps then it stopped. Chief Anderson says they received the same pre-arranged signal and are working to triangulate the position of the plane. Mark wants the information ASAP with Tiny adding if he'd been on the Phoenix, he would have made it to his destination by now. Princess notices something on her scope and tells Tiny to move to Grid 40, Sector B.

The Phoenix finally gets a visual on the President's plane but they don't know where it's going. All they can do is follow. The spider micro-mech takes the plane into Spectra's base where it's automatically bringing it in. Zark comments that the plane is under guidance control but soon, so is the Phoenix. Mark says they're in control now with Jason adding, "Yeah, and there's Spectra's secret base. A great place to lose control." Mark tells Tiny they're "losing sky" and just do the best he can. Mark figures they can take them if they "don't lose your cool."

Both craft are brought in to land, Tiny barely hanging on to the Phoenix. As both craft land Spectran goons surround them. Mark leaps from the Phoenix as Jason unloads his car from the nose, Princess is on her bike and Keyop in his buggy. Mark crounches under the President's plane as the President uses the self-ejector button to leave the aircraft. Zoltar then tosses his disguise and tries to go after the President who has now fallen from the chair. Zoltar just wants the case.

Keyop literally nets the President and brings him securely aboard the buggy. The goons start chasing down the case that has fallen out of the secured chair. Jason says, "Your manpower is weak, Zoltar. What you need is horsepower." As Jason is driving toward the case, the chute falls on several goons who can't find their way out. Jason then drives up the cliff to take out several automatic guns firing from above.

Princess rides on her bike with Jason and Keyop joining up on her and racing Spectran tanks and other equipment to grab the case. One goon manages to pick it up with a claw mech but Mark throws his sonic boomerang to pierce the fuel tank. Meantime, Princess dodges several explosions and causes a goon to wreck into other vehicles. Keyop breaks through some structures taking out more Spectran guns. Through all the chaos, the leaked fuel finally catches fire and it explodes causing the claw to release the case.

Mark says it's their turn and runs out to grab the case. He runs back to the Phoenix as all the other vehicles meet up just in time. Zoltar isn't happy wanting at least on hostage but the Phoenix takes off leaving Zoltar empty-handed. Mark says they made it but Spectra will be back. Jason praises Keyop, "Nice going, Shortstuff. You saved the President!" The President is grateful to the whole team for saving him and the case.

Zark says that G-Force saved the galaxy and that they are all heroes. He also mentions that the stewardess Zoltar impersonated is feeling much better and been given an extended vacation. The President's pilots and bodyguards have recovered as well and are back on duty. Zark wonders if the President knows that he's the master mechanical mind behind G-Force, after all, he invented all their gadgets. Zark then throws his boomerang around the room and claims to not be a glory hound. He just wants to do his best for G-Force and gives the salute.

This plot summary Copyright Bobbi Baker ©2021. No reproduction of any kind without permission.
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