BotP Close-up 069

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BotP Close-up 069

Post: # 587Post Bobkat »

This week we get some hint to the team's backgrounds, especially Keyop and Princess. They find it among the Peril in the Pyramids!

While undercover on Alpha-Three, Keyop meets lady who mistakes him for her own son. And why not? They look alike! We find out Keyop has always dreamed of having a real mom - a hint to the team's upbringing. At the end of the ep, Princess tries to comfort him by mentioning her own mom. These guys are worse than "Law & Order" that also hints on the background of its characters! :)

There is also a classic scene between Zark, Rover and Susan. :lol: In the meantime, enjoy Peril in the Pyramids! :)

The Other Jason's write-up is here:

E69: Peril in the Pyramids

Act One

7-Zark-7 works in the well-coordinated system that alerts Earth of any alien invaders while watching the universe of any unusual happenings. He's pacing because every once in a while, something gets by all of them leading to "short tempers for the humans and short circuits for the robots." Zark says it's hard to believe but an Egyptian temple is missing. 1-Rover-1 sits in the control room then lays down not believing it. Zark has checked his main monitor carefully and would blame a faulty bio-rhythm if he were human.

Zark flies to his monitors explaining when he told Chief Anderson an entire temple was missing, the chief's answer "blistered" Zark's antennae. Zark tunes in to pull up the temple and where it sat before. He goes on to say that the temple isn't the only thing to disappear – several pyramids vanished as well. Zark wonders who would what these things and why. The bigger question is how and where. Zark begins to cross-checking the galaxy to find the temple because it has to be somewhere!

Inhabitants ride camels in a desert environment coming upon a group of pyramids and the missing temple. The leader tells his men someone has put the temple in their path, questioning the will of Allah. The hypothesis is that "the treasure of a thousand kings" may lie inside of it. The men grab their automatic rifles and dare to go inside. Eyes light up as the men walk deeper into the temple passing hieroglyphics and statues. They stop at a statue in the form of Amon-Ra finding a hidden door to a secret chamber.

They enter seeing a round door at the top of some stairs. The leader talks about stories from his elders about Earth and how the temples held great treasures. He reaches for the door only to have every torch spout flames. An ominous voice tells them they are intruders and they are now under "the pharaoh's curse" and a beam shoots from a lion statue's eyes.

G-Force is in their Ready Room with Princess and Keyop making music, Tiny eating space burgers while Mark and Jason play ping pong. Mark comments that things seem quiet in outer space and he's "edgy" when Zoltar gets quiet. Jason snarks, "Maybe he's taken a vacation." Princess adds that just maybe, Zoltar has given up and decided to leave them alone. Tiny remarks, "Wishful thinking, Princess. We've had about an hour to live it up like this and that's about how long it lasts." Zark calls via video with Tiny bragging he called it. Zark tells them to report to Chief Anderson who wants to see them in the Briefing Room immediately.

Chief Anderson apologizes to the team for "cutting short your relaxation" but he briefs them of an important subject. The Temple of Amon-Ra has disappeared from the "protected area" on Earth. Chief Anderson goes on to say that he suspects Spectra is behind the move. Zark has found on the planet of Alpha-Three that Mark and Jason know as a former penal colony that was uninhabited until Earth sent its "criminals and hoodlums" there for a new start with their families. Tiny adds Alpha-Three is on the edge of the galaxy and only the supply ships go there. Chief Anderson tells them to go to the hot, desert-like planet and solve the mystery. The team chants, "G-Force!"

The Phoenix breaks the surface of the Pacific Ocean on its way to space. Zark wonders what they find on Alpha-Three, but they have to get there first. The team undergoes a bumpy ride to achieve Earth orbit and Mark calls in to be cleared for Escape Velocity from Zark. The robot clears them and the trip is on as Zark verifies the "Galaxy Lanes" are clear. Mark calls in saying they're ready for "space warp" and the Phoenix is soon approaching Alpha-Three. Zark explains every three months, Earth time, ships drop off supplies to the population.

Zark has located the temple outside Alpha-Three's largest city Osiris that sits near a body of water and which the team has split up to check out. Jason sits in a park near a sphinx statue and Tiny on a bridge where a woman walks past him. The area looks similar to Earth's Middle East in architecture, dress and wares that Princess checks out while window shopping. Mark leans on a palm tree near what appears to be a river. They keep their eyes and ears open to anything amiss.

Keyop checks out an open market letting his nose do the work as he smells something tasty because he's hungry! He stops at a booth where a lady sells roasted corncobs. She freaks out when she sees keeps Keyop and immediately screams, "Ali!" Keyop wonders, "Who's Allie?" She runs to Keyop and hugs him but Keyop tries to squirm away telling her she's made a mistake. The woman tells 'Ali' he was a bad boy for running away but that she forgives him. She says she'll take care of him. Then Keyop dreams about having a mom and wondering what she would look like but he was "manufactured" in a laboratory. When Keyop wakes from his daydream, he pulls away from the woman but she doesn’t understand, does he not recognize his own mother?

The woman's reaction to his rejection is strange but as she says, "It doesn't matter." 'Ali' is back home and she plans to make his favorites: sesame bread with honey and "joastra cake." Keyop says it sounds wonderful and she's really excited saying she'll get her camel while the cobs on the roaster fry to crisp. She doesn't care, keeping Keyop in a bear hug.

Later, Keyop goes with the woman on her camel to her home. Along the way, the camel is happy as the sun sets. As well, they stop by the Temple of Amon-Ra momentarily when Keyop asks what it is. The woman tells him that no one knows as it suddenly appeared a few days and is "mysterious and frightening." Keyop says he needs to go inside but the woman tells him that he mustn't – bad things have happened to those who dared to venture inside. Keyop's determined to check it out but the woman scolds 'Ali' because there is a curse on the temple! Keyop says the curse is a fairy tale but she's adamant there are evil spirits in the temple – all the villagers are afraid. She wants 'Ali' to promise never to go into the temple.

That night, Keyop eats hardily as the woman is happy to see him eat. At one point, she pulls down a picture of her son Ali who looks exactly like Keyop! She tells him that they'll talk tomorrow and he must tell her where he's been, an alien planet perhaps? Keyop pigs out and asks for seconds, which makes the woman happy as 'Ali' has the kind of appetite his father had.

In the middle of the night, Keyop quietly sneaks away careful not to wake the woman. He sets out to check out the temple. Keyop sneaks in calling the place "scary" and works his way into the temple finding the face with the lit up eyes, only they don't light up right away with Keyop. He moves on telling the face off then finds the hidden door. The next thing he finds is the large chamber with the round door. He keeps walking, trying to make it to the steps but he's stopped but a gang of hooded figures armed with automatic rifles! Zark's sensors pick up that Keyop is in trouble!

Act Two

Zark rides the vacuum tube to his Ready Room awaiting a progress report from G-Force but they're undercover trying to solve the mystery of Amon-Ra. He's worried about Keyop because the smallest member didn't show up at the rendezvous point. Zark lounges back as Rover looks on. Zark especially worries about Keyop not only because he's the smallest but he's "so different" from the other team members. Another draw for the robot – Keyop was manufactured just like them, never having a "real mother or father." Rover yips at Zark about being hungry and Zark would give him something in his dish, but Rover ate it. Meantime, Zark lounges back and waits even crossing his legs. He says Mark promised to contact him once he figured out what happened to Keyop.

On Alpha-Three, a mining operation is underway and this is where Keyop has been taken by the armed hooded figures. One takes his hood off and it's a Spectran goon! The goon tells Keyop they'll have to keep him there since he now knows it exists. Meanwhile, the woman who believes Keyop is her son has followed his footprints to the Temple of Amon-Ra determined to save him.

In town, the bells sound for midnight as the team meets in a park near the clock tower. Jason says, "That little squirt has me worried. What's keeping him?" Mark tells Princess to try contacting Keyop again. When she can't get through, Princess surmises that his communicator is turned off. Tiny jokes it's that or someone's choking him or he's hangin by his toes someplace. Princess tells him to stop and when Tiny defends himself that he's only trying to relieve the tension, Mark shuts him down knowing something has happened.

At the mining operation, Keyop sneaks away from the guards. While doing so, he notices Zoltar at the base due to the villain's profile in one of the eyes. As he's being noticed, Zoltar confers with the Luminous One remotely as the creature is on video. Zoltar reports the mining operation is nearly complete and he tells the Luminous One that using the temple as a cover was a stroke of genius. The Luminous One is tired of Zoltar's self-flattery and stresses the importance of the mineral Selenite for use in their latest weapon. Zoltar is sure that by the time G-Force figures out what's going on, Spectra will be "invincible."

Outside the chambers, Keyop tries calling his teammates. The woman who has been searching for him finds Keyop up on the face of statue that Zoltar is in! Her yelling at 'Ali' gets the goons' attention and they surround her. Keyop tries to shush her but nothing works. A goon tries to put her into a chokehold only to be bitten! Keyop jumps down and runs realizing he needs to call in the cavalry. Zoltar has been made aware of what's happened and tells his men to find the "small one." Keyop takes off running as goons appear everywhere. He calls on his communicator beeping in Morse Code!

Mark answers and asks Keyop where he is. Keyop tells him that he's in the temple. Mark orders the team to go and they answer, "Big Ten!" They board the Phoenix and take off for the temple. Meanwhile in the temple, a bird statue has glowing eyes and an alarm sounds. Goons are still running every which way as Keyop tries to find a way out. Finally, the goons feel like they have Keyop trapped as Zoltar walks up behind them asking Baku for a report. Baku believes he's a kid from the village because his mother entered the temple looking for him. Zoltar calls Baku "idiot, fool!" because no one was supposed to get into the temple. If the villagers discover what Spectra is doing, Zoltar knows they will message Earth and that means G-Force. Baku begs for mercy as Zoltar leads the men into the passageway where Keyop is cornered.

Zoltar and his men are in the main chamber with the round door. Zoltar orders his men to keep everyone away from the round door. The torches that were aflame are extinguished. Zoltar becomes frustrated, as the unlit torches weren't planned. Five sarcophagi are near the door and another voice calls out. At first, the voice laughs manically then it says to Zoltar that the Curse of Amon-Ra is now on him and all his descendents! They are doomed! Doomed! The sarcophagi open revealing five mummies who stand up and tell Zoltar they're after him personally! They leap up to the rafters but they're not mummies – it's G-Force!

Upon landing, Mark tells Zoltar it's not the mummies curse but he has theirs! Zoltar makes a break for it but Mark cuts him off mid-run! So, they meet again. Mark grabs onto Zoltar wanting to know what the latest plans are but Baku is at the round door. He opens it showing the team the villagers have been captured and are in a cell above the mine! Baku threatens to drop the cell into the pit unless the team surrenders. The woman who met Keyop begs Mark to help them because they only want to live in peace and she wants her son back. Keyop becomes emotional since she's talking about him!

Zoltar orders the button to be pushed but Mark throw his sonic boomerang knocking Baku off the stairs and onto the self-destruct lever. Zoltar tells his men to head to the escape ship and yells, "Everybody out!" The goons run like crazy to flee the self-destruct. As rubble falls everywhere, Mark orders the team to save the villagers. The team jumps onto the cell rescuing the villagers and they all make a hasty exit out of the temple. It's just in time too as the temple explodes into millions of bits.

The woman who befriended Keyop wants to go back inside to find 'Ali' but Keyop is standing next to her and three of his teammates are behind them. She's heartbroken and collapses in grief. Keyop tries to tell her he's okay and he's joined G-Force but he can't get through to her. After a bit, Tiny calls from the Phoenix's bubble that Chief Anderson is waiting on them. Mark and Jason walk silently to the Phoenix. Princess takes Keyop by the shoulders to lead him to the ship.

As the Phoenix launches, Zark says that G-Force is on their way home after solving the mystery of the missing temple – an elaborate ruse to cover up Spectra's true dealings. On the Phoenix, Keyop is beside himself and Princess tries to comfort him. She tells him about how she has memories of her mother from when she was very small and how when she died Princess felt her whole world ended. She reminds Keyop they're all orphans. Keyop turns to her and says he misses the lady as the Phoenix keeps flying. Zark says Keyop will get over in time and that the lady will soon discover that Keyop was not her missing son.

The Phoenix flies into a sunset while Zark is still in his Ready Room. Rover yips at him again with Zark acknowledging that he feels sad because he doesn't have a mother. Zark muses that everything should have a mother. Zark calls Susan on Pluto and she hopes it's not an emergency. Zark tells her it's a personal call and Susan is all excited. That is, until Zark makes a request that she be a "stand-in mother" for Rover. Susan is highly offended by the request and tells Zark never to call her again unless it's important! She hangs up leaving Zark to wonder what got her so upset – he essentially called her a bitch! Oops!

This plot summary Copyright Bobbi Baker ©2021. No reproduction of any kind without permission.
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