Actual Physical Violence on Battle Of The Planets

Including international versions
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Cure DragonEagle 255
Posts: 200
Joined: Mon Dec 28, 2020 1:43 pm

Actual Physical Violence on Battle Of The Planets

Post: # 1341Post Cure DragonEagle 255 »

I saw a clip from Gatchaman's version of "G Force In The Future" and while it was business as usual with that scene where Ken beats the crap out of Berg Katse, it also let one blatant blow to the face in! It was a bit comedic and there were some cartoony transition sequences that may or may not be in the Gatchaman original. That makes me realize it might be interesting to know which episodes allowed a bit more physicality to the violence. I know it is okay for robots to be destroyed and guns are also allowed to a surprising degree, but punches and kicks are a no no.
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