New Gatchaman Comic Series from Mad Cave Studios

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Re: New Gatchaman Comic Series from Mad Cave Studios

Post: # 1342Post Stardust »

I need to vent about Mad Cave Comics

Galactor 4 was released at the end of November, the Gatchaman digest was released on December 10.
I have yet to receive either one because apparently they moved from Florida to California and they are behind on orders due to that. At least that was what I was told the first time I contacted them over it. I have contacted them a second time and I still have heard nothing back.
Like what was the purpose of me pre ordering these? There mismanagement of time due to moving shouldn't be consequences for customers.
I'm pretty pissed off about this, especially when they charge you like 15 dollars for shipping.
And being disabled doesn't make it easy to get out the door. I still haven't gotten a chance to get the Jun one shot.
At this point I don't want to pre order anything from them unless it's a digital download. At least I got that for Galactor 4.
If you made it this far, thank you for listening to my rant.
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Re: New Gatchaman Comic Series from Mad Cave Studios

Post: # 1343Post Stardust »

Update on the Mad Cave situation, I think they are finally catching up on orders. I am still waiting on Galactor #4, however my other ones have come in.
As a result, I have an extra Gatchaman digest and an extra Galactor #1. If anyone would like these let me know. I don't want any money for them. As long as the shipping isn't expensive I'm willing to do that too.
Let me know, just keep in mind it takes me a bit to get to the post office. Feel free to PM me in regard to it.
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Re: New Gatchaman Comic Series from Mad Cave Studios

Post: # 1344Post The Other Jason »

Hi all,

Here are some cover images for the ninth issue of the Gatchaman series from from Mad Cave. Due in April!

Gatchaman #9

Covers A (Inaki Miranda) and B (Chris Batista)

Here's the story tease for Gatchaman #9:
"Murder-bots are on a rampage! Galactor unleashes a horde of terrible cybernetic nightmares upon the International Science Organization! Jinpei, who is still recovering from injuries in the line of duty, must fight for survival alongside the Beta Team!"

Writer - Cullen Bunn, Artist - Chris Batista
Standard issues will be 28 pages and will cost $4.99 (retailer incentives may be priced higher).
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Re: New Gatchaman Comic Series from Mad Cave Studios

Post: # 1345Post The Other Jason »

Hi all,

The third issue of the Gatchaman mini-series Only One Earth is due in April 2025!

Gatchaman - Only One Earth #3 (of 4)

Cover by Tommy Lee Edwards

Here is the story tease for Gatchaman - Only One Earth #3!
"In the depths of an ancient temple, Ken, Joe, and the princess uncover a fusion of forgotten teachings and cutting-edge science–a power that could save or destroy the world. As tensions rise between Ken and Joe, Galactor strikes back with devastating force, unleashing a psychic-controlled mech from their high-tech command ship. The ultimate test of trust and ingenuity looms as their love-hate dynamic is pushed to its limits during a battle for Atrena’s survival!"

Writer - Tommy Lee Edwards, Artist - Nuno Plati
Issues will be 28 pages and will cost $4.99
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Re: New Gatchaman Comic Series from Mad Cave Studios

Post: # 1346Post The Other Jason »

Mad Cave Studios has released information for another Gatchaman comic!

Gatchaman - Ryu: Scavengers one-shot

Covers A and B (Nuno Plati)

Here is the story tease for Gatchaman - Ryu: Scavengers:
"When modernized scavenger pirates—the ruthless Sea Vultures—launch a surprise attack on his harbor, Ryu, the steadfast pilot of the Science Ninja Team, steps out of the cockpit and into the spotlight! Determined to protect his community and prove he’s more than just a pilot, Ryu embarks on a high-stakes oceanic adventure, piloting his amphibious tank to outwit the pirates and uncover the mystery behind their deadly ship. The tides turn in this explosive solo mission of courage, ingenuity, and redemption on the high seas!"
This one-shot will be 32 pages and will cost $6.99

Writer - Tommy Lee Edwards, Artist - Ricardo Robaldo
Release date - April 2025
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Re: New Gatchaman Comic Series from Mad Cave Studios

Post: # 1347Post Stardust »

The Other Jason wrote: Fri Jan 24, 2025 11:11 pm Hi all,

The third issue of the Gatchaman mini-series Only One Earth is due in April 2025!

Gatchaman - Only One Earth #3 (of 4)

Cover by Tommy Lee Edwards

Here is the story tease for Gatchaman - Only One Earth #3!
"In the depths of an ancient temple, Ken, Joe, and the princess uncover a fusion of forgotten teachings and cutting-edge science–a power that could save or destroy the world. As tensions rise between Ken and Joe, Galactor strikes back with devastating force, unleashing a psychic-controlled mech from their high-tech command ship. The ultimate test of trust and ingenuity looms as their love-hate dynamic is pushed to its limits during a battle for Atrena’s survival!"

Writer - Tommy Lee Edwards, Artist - Nuno Plati
Issues will be 28 pages and will cost $4.99
I'm confused, are these two separate things? Only one Earth and the Gatchaman 6 that just came out?
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Re: New Gatchaman Comic Series from Mad Cave Studios

Post: # 1348Post Bobkat »

Yes. Only One Earth is a mini-series. Hope that helps! :D
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Re: New Gatchaman Comic Series from Mad Cave Studios

Post: # 1349Post Stardust »

so Mad Cave has the subscription up for the next round of Gatchaman.
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Re: New Gatchaman Comic Series from Mad Cave Studios

Post: # 1350Post Stardust »

What did you all think of number 6 Gatchaman?
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Re: New Gatchaman Comic Series from Mad Cave Studios

Post: # 1351Post Bobkat »

It that the one where they're hunting for treasure? (Sorry, days are blurring for me due to recovering from an injury).

If so, I liked it a lot. It was different, although I wasn't a fan of how the individual team members were drawn but that's me. :D
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