BotP Close-up 080

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BotP Close-up 080

Post: # 656Post Bobkat »

This week is perhaps one of the most famous BotP eps: Panic of the Peacock.

I personally love peacocks but the mighty mini mechs from Spectra aren't your typical peacocks! They're part of an evil brain washing plan by Spectra in its latest attack on Earth. :lol:

Our heroes put up a fight but are a man down - their commander is missing! Kudos to the team for getting it together and posing a counter-attack. :) Another peek into the team dynamics and I wish we would have seen a bit more this coming together in "The Sky Is Falling!" eps. Anyway, they get it together and Zoltar's plan literally crashes into the desert. Enjoy the chaos that ensues with Panic of the Peacock! :)

The Other Jason's write-up is here:

E80: Panic of the Peacock

Act One

7-Zark-7 keeps constant watch over the Milky Way Galaxy against alien invaders and space pirates, especially those from planet Spectra. Zark has picture of Mark on his monitors and Zark explains he's the commander of G-Force. G-Force is a team of five incredible, "highly specialized" young people who keep the peace. He hasn't met Mark personally but hopes to once he has the promised upgrades. Zark goes one to say they don't want anyone becoming "too close" or emotionally involved but the robot can't help himself. Zark considers the team his family mostly due to not having one. He tunes his monitors to planet Spectra to see what they're up to.

The Luminous One tells Zoltar he's failed one too many times in the conquest of Earth and will be replaced with a younger, "more zealous" leader. Zoltar says no matter what he tries, G-Force always finds a way to defeat him. The Luminous One is not impressed with the excuses, especially when Zoltar says they need a superior weapon. The Luminous One gives Zoltar a taste of a superior weapon by emitting waves out its eyes. Zoltar is overcome by the new weapon and begs for mercy. The Luminous One stops and Zoltar grovels his gratitude. "Stop you sniveling!" The Luminous One has only give but a taste of the new weapon Zoltar has requested – the new Brain Warp. The Luminous One orders Zoltar to take the Brain Warp to Earth and use it in "a far corner" where G-Force will be lured. The Luminous One tells Zoltar then he can destroy them!

A rocket launches from Spectra and eventually heads toward the solar system. The defenses pick it up and Zark issues a Red Alert. The ship passes by Saturn and has a "radio speed of KMS Minus Eight." The ship remains unidentified but is suspected to be another attack ship from Spectra. Estimated touchdown is somewhere in southern Asia. It's later determined that the ship has landed near the Taj Mahal in India. Zark notifies G-Force right away but the landing site doesn't make any sense – there are no defense bases near Agra.

Near the Taj Mahal, several peacocks hang out with the tourists including one little boy who tries to feed one. However, Singhree steps on the bird's tail when it refuses. It's not a bird at all, it's a fake! The bird is actually one of Spectra's weapons and joins about three others to project the Brain Warp weapon on unsuspecting people. Singhree and his mom are among the first victims who turn into scary looking zombies after the ray hits them. Several other 'birds' attack and turn the tourists into an angry mob. Zoltar, who is extremely pleased at the weapon, directs the mob to attack the governor's palace and chaos ensues. He's hoping it's enough to lure G-Force to India.

Chief Anderson shows the team multiple pictures and videos of what has transpired in India. He briefs the team that the governor was conferring with his staff when the mob broke in and "nearly destroyed the place." Mark wonders what could have caused it. Tiny adds that a 100 tourists going crazy all at once. Chief Anderson wants them to investigate what's going on. He also tells them Zark detected a launch from Spectra but the ship slipped past the defenses. Mark says, "He has a one-track mind." Princess questions what Zoltar has to do with any of it. That's what Chief Anderson would like to know too. Jason suggests they "drift" in like any other tourists, "taking pictures and stuff." The chief likes the idea and orders Keyop to stay with Mark while everyone else is on their own. He wants to get to the bottom of what happened! The team chants, "G-Force!" salutes and head to India.

The Phoenix launches for India from Center Neptune. They check out Agra in the middle of the night where Keyop laments the lack of action as he sits by a fountain. Mark adds it's rumors they're running up against about some "mysterious force that's blowing peoples' minds." As they talk, a peacock calls out. Keyop isn't sure what it is calling it a "big chicken" as Mark explains the peacock is the national bird (true statement) and protected – they can roam anywhere. Keyop says, "Pretty." There is a whole flock hanging out near the pair and Keyop decides to pluck a feather but falls backwards in the attempt. Mark asks, "Gonna make a hat?" Keyop hands the 'feather' to Mark saying, "Unreal." Mark takes it noticing it truly is artificial. "This is some kind of big peacock put on." The peacock that Keyop picked on, gets in the G-Forcer's face and Keyop runs to Mark. "You started it," Mark tells him. The flock then surrounds the two G-Forcers with Mark commenting, "They look hungry … and they've selected us to be the main course!"

Zoltar is watching on video and orders the weapon to be activated. The flock emits the Brain Warp waves with Mark feeling an immediate effect. He tells Keyop to run but the smallest member freezes. Mark punts him out of harm's way and into a manhole cover as the flock focuses on the commander. The waves stop and Mark looks at the fountain where there is a large statue of a peacock. The rock falls away revealing a Peacock shape mech.

Zoltar is thrilled they've cornered the commander on their "first strike." Mark makes a run for it and the smaller peacocks fly at him in various directions. Mark finds a truck, jumping in and trying to outrun the main mech even as the smaller birds hit the windows. Meantime, Keyop has managed to make it above ground again and runs to help his teammate. The main mech gives chase to the truck and fires lasers from its eyes causing the truck to crash. Mark is knocked out as Zoltar moves in. The Peacock mech swoops in and takes the truck as it flies off. Keyop reaches the sight in time to see the truck taken. He looks down and sees Mark's boomerang worse for the wear.

Keyop reluctantly picks it up and begins crying. He's still crying when the team reports back to Chief Anderson and the boomerang sits on the main table. Jason tells Keyop to "stop whimpering. Crying won't help Mark any." Keyop snaps back, "Helps me." Tiny wonders if Keyop really saw what happened and he sticks with the story of "crash, boom." Princess tries to comfort him but everyone is feeling Mark's loss.

Zoltar breaks in on video to gloat about Mark – he's alive but in Spectra's hands. Worse yet, they can't help him. Zoltar laughs evilly as a wrecking ball tears the truck apart from the back end. On the front, a digging machine tears into it. The team is traumatized watching helplessly as Mark is supposedly killed. However, a hole opens up where Mark falls through. He hides to prevent his untimely death and somehow, Zark has picked this up. The robot knows Mark will be all right.

Act Two

Zark paces greatly concerned about Mark even though the commander is alive and well. He explains that each member of G-Force has miniaturized cerebonic implants allowing them to cope with high-stress and dangerous situations. Thanks to his Acute Dielectric Sensors, Zark knows that Mark is lying low and waiting for the opportune time to make his escape. However, where he is exactly is a big question because the Peacock mech has disappeared and even Zark finely tuned Probes can't find it. He adds without Mark, things are pretty gloomy.

In Chief Anderson's office, the team is barely hanging on. Zark wishes he could find the Spectran ship for them. He finally locates the ship over Europe with a possible next target being over the Balkans. The robot reports this information to Chief Anderson who relays it to the team. Keyop is the first to voice that he won't go with Tiny adding his heart isn't in it. With tears in his eyes, Keyop becomes angry enough to stop Zoltar on his own. Jason grabs the back of his shirt, telling him there's still four of them in G-Force and they can still stop Zoltar. The team rallies and takes off. Chief Anderson tosses Princess Mark's boomerang on her way out. "Take good care of it." She answers, "I will."

The Phoenix launches for Europe to meet the Peacock ship head-on. The Peacock is having a field day bringing destruction to the area and taking out various defense forces. A goon reports the Phoenix is "coming up fast on our tail" and Zoltar considers G-Force foolish in believing they can beat his Peacock mech. Zoltar orders the "Brain Warping gun" activated and the chase is on! The mech emits the powerful waves – they're enough to knock the Phoenix about. Jason tells Tiny to "hit the shielding screen" and while the team is okay, the ship continues to be rocked. Cracks form and the wave makes it on board still.

Princess says they're about to tear apart and Tiny is open to suggestions. Jason orders Emergency Gyros and to "cut altitude." Tiny complies in order to flee the Brain Warp weapon. However, the Peacock continues its pursuit. While the chase is happening, the smashed truck moves about and Mark is able to jump up and out of the wreckage. Zoltar knows he has the team right where he wants them and orders the Proton Laser fired at the Phoenix, but it doesn't work. Zoltar is about to go off until some eerie whistling stops him.

Mark taunts Zoltar and freaks out the goons. They run into the main room where the wrecked truck sits and a drill is lowered into the room. Mark curls his wings around it until he's ready to be revealed. Zoltar is surprised the Brain Warp weapon "didn't finish you off." Mark tells him it's warped minds that will always fail as he holds the metal peacock feather in his teeth. Mark throws it like his boomerang and takes out several goons. The fight is on as Zoltar mans the wrecking ball and smashes the drill. Mark falls out of the mech to avoid being crushed but he can't hang on and falls to one of the Peacock's feet.

Mark calls the Phoenix much to the joy and relief of his teammates. Jason's answers in a cracked voice, "Big Ten." Mark reports he's okay but he's "got a little problem." Jason responds, "Join the club!" Princess answers saying they're ready to help. Mark wants them to hold their fire for a little while. Jason retorts, "We'll try to restrain ourselves, commander." Tiny says it's easy but they need "a better readout." Mark then goes into more detail: he wants them to fire the Proton missile but to set a timer on it so he can get away in time. Jason tells Mark, "Hang loose," and sends Princess back to set the timing mechanism.

After she's done, Tiny becomes determined and does some fancy flying including avoiding a mountain! Tiny lines up the Phoenix, so Jason can shoot the missile. They make a direct hit with the missile protruding from the Peacock's chest. Tiny flies the Phoenix out of range but not too far while Zoltar orders his men to stay and fight. He considers the missile a dud. Zoltar leaves for the Emergency Control Room while the Peacock falls out of the sky. What he actually does, is escape. Mark watches him from the foot, "The rat leaves the sinking ship."

While the team watches on the Phoenix, the Peacock crashes into the desert. Mark is thrown clear and takes off running. He knows it's only a matter of time before the whole thing blows up. The timer ticks down and Mark is able to jump into a ravine to avoid the blast. Meanwhile, Zoltar knows he has failed on a grand scale and wonders how he's going to face the Luminous One. All their weapons are destroyed and his ship circles in the sky while he despairs.

Mark pounds the sand in frustration with Zoltar escaping once again. However, the Phoenix lands near the remains of the Peacock and the team searches for their leader. Keyop spots him watching the sun set and Princess runs to him. She tosses back his boomerang with tears in her eyes, "Welcome back, Commander." The other three watch from a distance as Mark holsters his weapon and Tiny puts his hand on Keyop's shoulder.

Zark says this was another close one with Zoltar's weapon destroyed but never Zoltar himself. After this harrowing ordeal, the team will receive 24 hours of R&R – Rest and Relaxation. Zark wonders what that means and it sounds nice. Maybe someday he'll discover what it means. He's asked for a Ready Room where he can take a five second oil break. He wonders what he'll do with that much time off. He's certain Zoltar and Spectra won't allow him to fritter away much time off.

This plot summary Copyright Bobbi Baker ©2021. No reproduction of any kind without permission.
Cure DragonEagle 255
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Re: BotP Close-up 080

Post: # 657Post Cure DragonEagle 255 »

Five more to go! GO GO GO!!!
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