BotP Close-up 059

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BotP Close-up 059

Post: # 549Post Bobkat »

This week, it's all about recycling! :D Zoltar uses some extra mechs (who knew Spectra had the money for them!) to test a new weapon in the middle of nowhere. He comes *this close* to being unmasked, but it's not to be! Mark is beside himself. Enjoy!

The Other Jason's write-up is here:

E59: Secret Island

Act One

7-Zark-7 is a "constant guardian against enemy aliens from outer space." Along with that primary duty, Zark also keeps an eye on weather anomalies on Earth such as earthquakes, floods and tornadoes. Zark flies to his monitors leaving 1-Rover-1 in the middle of the control room. Zark says if an enemy power, such as Spectra, were to use weather as a weapon he would need to alert G-Force. Rover helicopters to the monitors and yips. Zark says Rover is quite helpful too, being a small whirlwind himself. Zark then cleans a monitor but it's a cloud formation, which is better than smog. Then he receives an alert from Weather Control in Sector 11 – southeast of Cape Hatteras. There is intermittent typhoon activity in the area. Zark wants the necessary data sent: "velocity of rotary ascentant, use dataline A14, main computer, TY and over and out."

A fishing vessel sails along in the area with the captain commenting that the weather has been holding for them during the entire voyage. He remembers storms in the area being so awful that his first mate's hair turned white overnight. The current first mate tells the captain he would feel much better once they're out of the Bermuda Triangle. The captain calls the legends nonsense asking if the first mate really believes the stories. The first mate says he'll breathe easier tomorrow.

As the ship sails along, the sea churns something terrible as a pair of mechs emerge from the water and fly skyward. One is shaped like a cuttlefish/squid while the other is in the shape of a manta ray. The first mate asks if the captain saw what he did but the status of the ship is unknown.

At Center Neptune, G-force hangs out in their Ready Room with Mark and Jason taking part in a ping-pong match, Tiny eating space burgers while Princess and Keyop play music. Tiny grouses about them sitting around and recreating when another ship has gone down in the Bermuda Triangle. Jason tells Tiny that once they get the word there will be plenty to do. Mark adds that Zark is working on getting more information and they don't want to tie up the whole team for "normal" weather conditions. Princess says they wouldn't need to tie up the whole team and wonders if a couple of them could volunteer. Keyop is the first to jump in … with a drum solo! He plays his drums causing Mark to misfire a shot knocking the space burger out of Tiny's hand. Just then, Zark calls them on the video monitor with new information. No one is sure what's going on but it warrants further investigation. Zark's Differential Pressure Meter suggests the center of the disturbances is around a place called Shipwreck Island. Zark suggests that Mark take a teammate to check it out and to have a safe trip.

Mark drives a boat to Shipwreck Island taking Princess along. Once they spot the island on the horizon Princess says it's "weird" while Mark calls it "dark and gloomy." They keep going because they have to get to the bottom of whatever is going on. They arrive as the island made of a lush rainforest. Princess doesn't like the quiet and Mark agrees, "The kind of calm that comes before the storm." Water bubbles under them adding to the uneasiness. Princess says the environment makes her "skin creep." They walk along with Mark saying it's a nice place to visit but he doesn't want to live there. He asks Princess if she's sorry she volunteered. She doesn't regret it but wonders what their next move is as they stand on a cliff overlooking the water. Mark answers that they look and listen … and wait.

The sun sets and night falls over the island with them still hanging out at the cliff. It's been hours and "still nothing" with Princess adding it could be "a wild goose chase." The water starts burbling and they stay low. They watch as the cuttlefish/squid and manta ray mechs launch into the air. They discuss that the island would be the perfect place for a secret base and Zoltar could very well be behind it. Mark says they're jumping to conclusions but Princess points out if it is a Spectran base, they'll have lookouts. Mark decides their best course of action is to stay out of sight.

Just as they're ready to duck back into the forest, the mechs show up again but this time they're joined by a water spout! The mechs are drawn into it and exploded. The waterspout disappears as beetle-shaped mech begin climbing the cliffs toward Mark and Princess! Mark calls them "weird lobsters." They pair decide to try to follow them without being seen. One of the beetle mechs stops close by. Mark and Princess subdue him and tie him up in the speedboat after Mark steals his uniform. Mark goes to put the helmet on and notices it's labeled 'NO 7.' Mark says he's been demoted from number one and pretends to be a goon for Spectra.

The beetles go into the base and surface inside a large cavern of metal. Princess goes along for the ride but stays inside as Mark reports with the other goons. She flashes him a V sign before he takes off. A man wearing a white lab coat tells the lead goon, Leader Timok, to report upstairs to Dr. Wold who wants to speak to him. Leader Timok says the typhoon is unbeatable. The man tells Leader Timok to bring along one of his men and chooses "Number Seven."

The three men ride a moving sidewalk to go see Dr. Wold. At the security station, the man verbally enters his name, "Kilian, J. V." The door opens to another cavern where multiple mechs are being worked on to test the typhoon weapon. The three men walk into a smaller room where Dr. Wold warmly greets Kilian who bows to Zoltar who sits in throne-like chair. Kilian tells Zoltar that the test is ready and to show is most ideal. Zoltar tells Kilian that if this weapon works a grateful Spectra shall reward him "handsomely." Zoltar also tells Dr. Wold that he will be in charge of the scientific community when Zoltar becomes Earth's overlord.

Everyone present walk onto a platform overlooking the latest weapon: a blue and red circular machine. Dr. Wold informs Zoltar that he is handing him Earth on a silver platter.

Act Two

Zark paces in the control room because Mark and Princess have been on Shipwreck Island for some time but he hasn't heard a peep from either of them. He says the rest of the team is standing by in their Ready Room awaiting word. A signal comes and Zark flies to his monitors. Princess calls in on video reporting the latest: Mark has been able to infiltrate the secret Spectran base but he could be in danger. Zark tells her that he's signaling the others now and they'll be on their way "in a minute." Zark terminates the line.

At the base, Dr. Wold is about to show Zoltar a video of the Whirly-Knife in action. The specific things they're looking at are the Rotary Knives, the Giant Bore and the Waterspout Generation Effect. Kilian says this doesn't have the same impact as a live demonstration. He points to 'Ozeck' to turn on the video.

The Whirly-Knife cuts through the top of a mountain with no difficulty and it drills through a mech. Zoltar is impatient wanting to see the Whirly-Knife operate from the inside. Dr. Wold assures Zoltar this can be done immediately. Kilian orders the men to prepare the Whirly-Knife for launching. They all leave the platform and Mark returns to the beetle to tell Princess what's going on. He wants to go along for the ride and runs back to Kilian and the others. After he runs off, she decides to leave the beetle.

The Whirly-Knife is launched creating a waterspout from the word go. Zoltar decides he must have a whole fleet of the "aerodynes" and promises the Presidency to Dr. Wold. The three men laugh evilly as Dr. Wold tells Zoltar the Earth will be his. Leader Timok interrupts their celebrating when he reads "an odd blip" on his screen – it's the Phoenix flying into view!

Zoltar is not pleased calling G-Force "meddlesome." However, Kilian informs Zoltar this is the perfect opportunity to demostrate the Whirly-Knife. Kilian stakes his reputation that they can defeat the Phoenix. Zoltar mumbles that Kilian is also stking his life! Meanwhile on the Phoenix, Keyop calls it a "lawn mower" while Jason says that's the ship fitting Princess' description. Jason asks Tiny if he's ready with Tiny answering, "We're gonna make that pinwheel turn in the opposite direction."

Tiny takes the Phoenix in and the Rotary Knives come out barely missing the ship. On board the Whirly-Knife, Mark is sneaking around with Kilian catching him. Kilian holds a pistol to Mark's back saying "I didn't trust you right from the start" but is stopped by another goon. The goon kicks Kilian's butt and the assistant crawls away holding his ribs. Mark is completely confused until the goon reveals himself. Actually, herself. It's Princess! Mark is glad she's with him and asks where she got the uniform. It's from a goon "who put up an awful fuss."

Outside, the Phoenix keeps playing keep-away with the Whirly-Knife. The Giant Bore is next but Tiny moves out of the way in time. Zoltar becomes increasingly frustrated because the Whirly-Knife is not unbeatable! Dr. Wold begins the Waterspout Generation Effect, which the guys watch from the Phoenix. One of her wings gets caught in the spout and the boys are knocked around a bit due to the forces at play. The Phoenix does a death dance as Mark and Princess transmute and fight several goons on the Whirly-Knife.

Outside, the Phoenix has been sucked into the vortex of the waterspout and is spinning inside the storm toward the mech. All the boys can do is hang on. Mark and Princess keep up their fight with Mark throwing his sonic boomerang and Princess able to set a bomb in the power generator. The waterspout ends with the Phoenix still spinning but the ship quickly levels out. On board the Whirly-Knife, Dr. Wold desperately tries to figure out what happened. Kilian orders everyone to abandon the ship and Zoltar is not happy.

From the Phoenix's vantage point, the Whirly-Knife is going down in flames. Still on board, Mark and Princess rush the bridge but the ship is out of control. Everyone is knocked off their feet with Zoltar landing in Mark's lap, literally. Mark grabs his collar and won't let go. As the Whirly-Knife continues to go down, an escape pod jettisons. Mark and Princess leap from the hole left behind and onto the Phoenix that has been nearby the whole time. They have Zoltar in their grasp and they take him to the bridge.

Mark wants to see under the mask, only to be sorely disappointed that it's Kilian! The assistant laughs evilly but Mark is beyond ticked off. Princess tries to console her commander but once again, Zoltar has escaped. Zark says that once again Zoltar has been defeated. On that upbeat note for the robot, he takes a ten second oil break. Plus the team is back at Center Neptune. Zark uses a lightweight oil to relax his Thermocouples tensed by his Binary Automatic Analyzer.

This plot summary Copyright Bobbi Baker ©2021. No reproduction of any kind without permission.
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