BotP Close-up 096

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BotP Close-up 096

Post: # 714Post Bobkat »

This week we had one of my favorite eps! It's "Vacation on Venus"!! :)

We see a lot of action, banter and snark from our favorite heroes. :D Yet, at the end of all the craziness, we see their softer side when they express their empathy toward a Venusian who lost his family in Spectra's initial attack. This same guy went after the team because he thought they were Spectra and he was determined to keep his home safe from them. He later assists the team to escape Zoltar's clutches, so he's not all bad. :)

Zoltar and crew are trying to knock Venus out of orbit and thus destroying the Sol system. However, the team is successful in stopping the enemy. :)

The Other Jason's write-up is here:

Enjoy the "Vacation on Venus"!! :D

E96: Vacation on Venus

Act One

7-Zark-7 is once again keeping a constant eye on the universe from deep beneath the sea at Center Neptune. He says their first concern is always our own Solar System and he's just checked out Mars and Jupiter – everything seems fine. Zark then scans "a few million miles over" to Venus. When Zark looks in, it appears Venus has a very serious weather condition going on.

On Venus, heavy rains downpour into a city and through the lightning flashes, a giant bull shaped mech stands over it. Lightning strikes one of the bull's horns and causes a great explosion. People run out to see the fireworks and wonder what's going on. Turns out, a volcano has erupted with Zark confused as to why the Warning System didn't pick up the eruption. The robot decides to contact Security immediately!

Zark sends video and photographs of the area that include a winding river through mountainous terrain. Zark looks at what seems to be a horn from a very huge animal but there's metal attached to it. Chief Anderson shows the slide to G-Force briefing them the blast was near where the horn was found. Keyop says it looks like a funny volcano and Chief Anderson tells them Security believes it was meant to appear as a volcano. He goes on about how Zark conduct remote spectrographic analysis of the horn to discover the material is not from Venus! The chief adds the material is not native to any planet in our solar system! The team knows what that adds up to: Spectra! Mark voices as much with Jason adding, "That stunt has all the earmarks of a 'Zoltar Special'."

Chief Anderson warns if the activity continues, it would spell trouble for Venus. Keyop giggles and says, "Long ride." Princess tells the chief not to pay any attention to Keyop because he sometimes gets strange ideas. Chief Anderson says Keyop may be onto something – Spectra could be attempting to knock Venus out of orbit. Jason snaps his fingers realizing Spectra is out to destroy the whole solar system! Tiny adds, "And us!" The chief tells the team they're going to stop Spectra, or rather they are. They're going on a "vacation" to Venus! Chief Anderson wants them to go boating, fishing, mountain climbing – whatever activities tourists are doing to cover their investigation. Mark likes the idea calling it "a good cover." Jason says, "We'll play it like real ecology freaks." Chief Anderson sends them along their way to "stop the Spectran invaders" while the team runs out. He thinks to himself as they leave, "Whatever you do, come back safely."

The Phoenix launches for Venus with a "perfect liftoff." Zark explains the team's trip to Venus is "a nice, little joyride," although it seems to take forever to arrive. The Phoenix enters Venus' atmosphere as the team prepares to act like tourists in order to find Spectra's secret base.

After landing, the team is in a car driving through a desert. Jason, of course, is driving the right-steering station wagon with a canoe tied on top. The teammates are still in their G-Force uniforms while Mark sits in the passenger seat with Princess and Keyop in the back seat. They traverse sharp mountain turns with sheer drops as Tiny chills out on the Phoenix struggling to stay awake. There is a red swiggle on the radar screen showing the team's progress while Tiny grouses about flying "top cover" for the team and having no one to "rap with." He then begins daydreaming about Space burgers "loaded with cheese, and relish, and tomatoes." Tiny yawns as the Phoenix stays parked.

In the car, Princess, who is sitting behind Jason, says it's hard to remember they're not on vacation. Keyop hopes to catch "a big one" as Jason hopes Tiny doesn't forget why they're on Venus. Mark says, "Quit worrying, Jason … hang loose." Just then, a green jeep appears in the rearview mirror! The jeep closes in and tries to pass on the narrow road, honking its horn the whole time! When one side doesn't work, the driver tries the other and becomes very impatient. Jason takes quick notice and hits the gas wondering what "that speed freak" is trying to do. The driver forces his way past, dinging the station wagon. Keyop wants to yell something and rolls down the window only to get a face full of dust!

As the driver looks back, Jason comments, "That clown isn't playing with a full deck." Jason becomes determined to stop the guy "before he really hurts somebody" and gives chase. Jason makes a bold move to overtake the guy by driving sideways on a canyon wall! The jeep driver stays behind the station wagon with Keyop yelling, "Mess with us!" The driver literally takes a higher road knocking a huge boulder off the cliff into the team's path! Jason barely stops in time to avoid the boulder's bounce but the momentum carries the car off the road. Jason states the obvious, "We're goin' over!" The car takes a nosedive into the dark canyon below and Jason shoots his cabelgun in one direction and then the other as Mark tries to hang onto the steering wheel. The lines hold and the car swings in the air.

Mark says the cables are holding as Princess asks who the guy was, "He must be spacey!" Keyop wants to fight him and tries to stand but it shakes the car worse! He settles back into the seat while Mark and Jason watch their nemesis drive away from the cliff. Mark has a feeling they'll be seeing him again.

<P>After being rescued by Tiny in the Phoenix, the team finally makes it into a town on Venus' main river. They launch their boat to search for the Spectran base, outboard engine and all. Once down the river, an obvious Spectran agent radios G-Force's movements to Zoltar who tells the agent to do nothing. He doesn't want the team frightened off and knows they're on Venus "without the usual protection."

As the team navigates the river, several birds circle above their heads. Mark, Jason and Keyop work to keep the boats off the rocks and from crashing into the canyon walls. Meanwhile, two problems exist: the jeep driver is following the team on foot with a rifle in his hand and Zoltar watches them struggle up the river on a video monitor. As Zoltar watches, he promises G-Force they won't be disappointed in seeing the Great Taura! Zoltar asks his captain if his men are in position and the captain with a single feather in his costume confirms this is the case.

G-Force keeps sailing the river while the jeep driver takes aim with his rifle! Princess is the first to spot him because she grabs onto Jason. Mark orders them to "hit the water!" and they capsize the boat. The jeep driver pounds the rock saying next time he won't slip. At the same time, Zoltar pounds the command console wanting to know what's going on – G-Force is getting away! He demands that Oneeda answer him at once. They talk about the team flipping the boat over and Oneeda, the captain with one feather, says it appears something frightened them. Zoltar could see that for himself! When Zoltar wants answers, a goon points out someone hiding atop the cliff. The goon zooms in on the driver and Zoltar wants to know who he is. Oneeda doesn't recognize him as one of their men. Zoltar threatens that if G-Force escapes because of this guy, Oneeda will pay dearly.

The capsized boat stops at the mouth of a cave where the team regroups inside. Jason cracks, "This isn't the most fun I've ever had on 'vacation'." Mark retorts, "I think it's the greatest. I'm gonna come back every year." Princess looks at them both, "When you two comics are through, how about us getting out?" Jason says, "That's the end of my routine. Let's go." Keyop chimes in, "Dangerous." Mark agrees, going back out the way they came in means they're sitting ducks. Mark says they need to become invisible. Jason has a brainstorm about going deeper into the cave. "The water's coming from someplace," as he points to the rushing water originating inside the cave. Keyop's excited about the idea, "Fool Spectra!" Mark likes the idea.

Outside, the jeep driver readies to repel to the river using mountain climbing gear. He's ready to go find his prey but he' rudely interrupted by a helicopter swooping in to capture him! A pair of Spectran goons nets the driver and fly him off. Meanwhile, the team paddles their way deeper into the cave with Keyop planning his next vacation in the "backyard." A water drop falls on him giving him the creeps.

Act Two

Zark paces in the control room because while G-Force has covered most of Venus, they still haven't found Zoltar's base. On top of that, they've been "threatened" by a strange blonde man who could be an enemy agent or a hostile citizen. Zark says when dealing with alien worlds, it's so hard to tell. He tries to pull up the team on his monitors to see if he can be any help but his Stigmatic Grating Spectograph should be able to get through to Zoltar's headquarters and he may be making contact.

Oneeda and two goons bring the "prisoner," aka the jeep driver, to Zoltar for questioning. The blonde man stands stoicaly in front of Spectra's leader. Zoltar grabs the man's collar while his arms are bound by rope. Zoltar wants to know why he's in the mountains and what his connection is with G-Force. The man is defiant, telling Zoltar they don't like aliens on Venus, "especially you!" Zoltar retorts, "Your manners and tongue need polishing!" He orders the goons to take him away and only bring him back when he's ready to talk. One of the goons shoves a rifle into the man's back causing serious distress. Elsewhere, the goons have been able to relocate G-Force in their boat. Zoltar tells them not to lose the team this time! Zoltar muses his good fortune of how eager G-Force is to fall into his trap – he considers a sign from the Great Spirit for victory. Once G-force is out of the way, Earth will be easy pickings!

The team continues deeper into the cave where a bright light beckons them. Princess says, "It's getting lighter." Mark would be glad to see some daylight soon but finds he's got a case of wishful thinking. They suddenly realize it's a different kind of cave they're in! Jason asks, "What kind of cave is this?" Princess states, "It doesn't look natural." Just then, a metal door slams shut behind them!

The team is in a large rock-faced chamber and Mark has a feeling they'll probably about to get the answers they're looking for. The water begins churning with a whirlpool turning into a waterfall. The boat goes over and the four have to fly for it! They're captured in a net that Keyop says, "Caught like a fish." While in the net, they notice the jeep driver/sniper/prisoner tied up at the bottom of the giant room and nearly waist deep in water. Mark and Keyop recognize the man as the one who ran them off the road and took shots at them from the top of the cliff.

Zoltar makes his presence known with his evil laugh. A pair of windows open allowing Zoltar to gaze upon his captives. He is beyond happy to have caught "the little fishes of G-Force" and says the Luminous One will be pleased. Keyop says it's not over yet and Princess yells, "You're fishing out of season!" Mark pulls his boomerang, "Here's something for your Luminous One!" Zoltar knows this means escape and he electrically charges the net! The team is stunned and seems to go limp. Zoltar tells them their "toys" are useless and turns up the voltage. Mark orders the Whirlwind Pyramid and the four of them cause the net to begin spinning and they break free!

The team lands on the floor with Mark approaching the jeep driver/sniper asking if he can hear him. Meantime, Zoltar doesn't want them to escape! Oneeda assures Zoltar they will not escape. Jason and Princess shoot their weapons to lift the team out along with the jeep driver/sniper. Jason takes Mark and the jeep driver while Princess takes Keyop. However, Zoltar orders the hatch closed and a goon pulls a lever closing the door. The jeep driver watches the goon as the lines are cut! Keyop is the first to see the gap closing and leaps to freedom. The other four fall with Mark, Jason and Princess shackled mid-flight and slammed against a metal wall. The jeep driver falls back to the floor, splashing in the water.

Zoltar looks over the captured G-Forcers, quite pleased he has three but he's concerned about the fourth – Keyop. He asks where the "little one" went and Oneeda answers that he slipped through the barrier before it was closed. Zoltar knows Keyop won't leave his teammates and is certain the Thermal Detectors will find him. Meanwhile, Keyop is alone above the large room in a smaller one. He decides he needs to get a hold of Tiny but when he calls on the communicator, the answer is snoring! Keyop is about to give up when Zoltar begins addressing him through a PA system. Zoltar demands Keyop return and threatens to harm the others if he doesn't return – whatever befalls them will be Keyop's fault! Mark tells Keyop don't do it and to get Tiny to bring the Phoenix in. Princess agrees, wanting him to run! Keyop becomes upset at hearing Princess' voice.

In the main room, the jeep driver/sniper makes it to the lever. Zoltar wants to know if they've located Keyop yet but the goon trying to find him says the G-Forcer's body temperature is not like the others! Zoltar says the Earthlings "have a strange loyalty" to one another that may still prove useful. He orders the Great Taura to be deployed against "the fat one" who flies their spaceship.

Tiny takes the Phoenix and tries to locate the team after he lost them. He chides himself for falling asleep and wondering how he's going to find them. As he flies along, the Great Taura climbs out a caldera making it look like a volcanic eruption! Tiny evades the giant mech as it fully stands. It also has new wings decorated like piano keys. Tiny cracks, "Only Zoltar would have a pet like that." He goes in for another gander and to gain information. While he does, the Great Taura's movements shake the base and Mark knows Tiny has found them. Outside, the Great Taura breathes fire to try to stop the Phoenix but is unsuccessful. Tiny verifies the mech belongs to Zoltar.

In the main room, the jeep driver/sniper pushes the lever up to open the barrier! With the barrier open, Keyop loads his bolos with explosives and throws them at the window where Zoltar stands. The bolos make contact and explode, forcing Zoltar back! The explosion releases the other three G-Forcers and they take flight. Zoltar yells for Oneeda as Mark takes out a bank of flamethrowers with his boomerang. He lands near the jeep driver/sniper who is still by the lever.

Mark professes his thanks as the jeep driver/sniper realizes G-Force isn't the band of killers on the loose. Mark says there's a better time and place to discuss as he helps the jeep driver/sniper out. The rest of the team is above the barrier when Princess throws her yo-yo, "Mark, catch!" Mark grabs on and the pair is lifted out to the others. Once at the top, Mark calls Tiny saying it's a "Red Alert." Tiny gets ready to move in and fires a missile to the Great Taura. A goon and Oneeda watch as the missile breaks through and are about to run with Zoltar blocking their way. Oneeda explains the Great Taura is finished. Zoltar thinks better of staying and fighting – he turns and runs for the escape hatches!

Mark pulls out some explosives to blow open the door. Tiny brings the Phoenix and hovers just outside. The five leap down and board just as Tiny pulls away. An escape rocket takes off out of the other horn just before the G-Force missile explodes, destroying the Great Taura. The team watches from a far off cliff as the flames and smoke rise into the sky. The jeep driver/sniper is relieved "it's finally all over" with the Great Taura destroyed and Spectra defeated. Mark notices he's not really happy about it. The jeep driver/sniper explains he's been waiting a long time for this moment and isn't sure if it's actually true. He goes on saying Spectra attacked Venus, killed his people and he swore vengeance against them. He's been hunting Spectrans ever since and even thought for a while G-Force was with them. The team stands with their mouths open, shocked at the happenings. The guy adds his "folks" can now rest in peace and his mountains are finally free.

Jason says, "Sorry about your folks," with Tiny feeling the same. Princess asks if there's anything they can do and Keyop says, "Name it." The man tells them they've done enough already by defeating Spectra. Mark closes his eyes in contemplation as the man says he'll return to his mountains – it won't be the same but it is his home. He tells the team, "Goodbye, my friends" before walking away. He gives a final wave before disappearing.

Zark says it's a sad story but he feels in his Pre-cognitive Mode the story will have a happy ending. He's certain he'll find a nice young lady, perhaps like Princess, and start his own family. Zark says is nice to know that not only Earth, but the entire solar system, is safe thanks to G-Force. Zark knows the team should be on their way and flies to his monitor to guide them in. The team flies home through space and Zark gives them clearance for re-entry with touchdown at 0200. When Zark asks if they enjoyed their vacation, Mark answers in a sarcastic tone, "We're coming home for a vacation!" As the team makes its final approach, Zark mentions an old saying about keeping one's feet firmly planted on the ground and another to "Hitch your wagon to a star!" Zark knows this last one is G-Force's motto and gives a G-Force salute.

This plot summary Copyright Bobbi Baker ©2021. No reproduction of any kind without permission.
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