Exciting fic news

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Exciting fic news

Post: # 212Post Bobkat »

They'rrrrrre baaaaacck!!

Ok, I'm not sure where the best place to make this announcement (tried logging into Gatchamania.net and failed). But I have re-posted my Kentucky Derby crossovers. They premiered when I was still a member of the "Bird Scramble!" APA and have grown (sort of). Somehow with the passage of time, I lost the electronic copies but I still had my notebook where I scribbled them out. They have been re-typed and brushed off to publish.

They can be found here: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13869482/1 ... Crossovers

They're not all there yet, but I am working on it. And it is Derby season after all, so the timing couldn't be better. :D
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