BotP Close-up 015

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BotP Close-up 015

Post: # 313Post Bobkat »

Here's another full plot! This week is the classic The Thing with 1000 Eyes! :)

The Other Jason's write-up is here:


E15: The Thing With 1000 Eyes

Act One

7-Zark-7 is in his command room in Center Neptune to "keep the galaxy alert to any alien intruders from outer space". His job is to forward all alerts to G-Force, a group of young people Zark considers "family". Zark would like to work side by side with them, perhaps after his next overhaul. Zark is dealing with a Red Alert from the capital city of Riga, a planet "millions of miles away but similar to Earth". It's also a member of the Intergalactic Federation and "badly in need of help".

In the capital city, something has interfered with the rehabilitation work being conducted there. Meanwhile, Zark has informed Security Chief Anderson of an alien presence and the Chief has, in turn, sent a reconnaissance mission to check into it. A dual rotor helicopter, similar to a CH-46 Sea Knight, flies into the capital city with "no sigh of people". The crew of five continues their surveillance eventually picking up something on the diotherm scanner: people ARE hiding in the city! Chief Anderson monitors the team's scanning with President Kane, warning they're not a fighting unit. The helicopter goes in for a closer look, knowing there are people present. However, contact is lost! Turns out, Chief Anderson wasn't the only one listening in: Zoltar monitored the radio traffic too!

Zoltar laughs himself silly before turning serious on a dime. He goes before the Luminous One who reminds Zoltar that Riga has always been their "main outpost" for raw material. Zoltar tells the Luminous One that the "creature of a thousand eyes is ready". The Luminous One warns Zoltar that the Federation will try to stop him and that the goal is to maintain the outpost.

At Center Neptune, a special gold anti-matter coating is sprayed onto the Phoenix in preparation for the mission to Riga. Also Chief Anderson briefs the team that the Phoenix has been fitted with warp power. The coating is to protect them from any deadly gases on Riga. Chief Anderson explains the investigative team was captured and they're sure it wasn't by the Rigans. He also orders the team to telecommunicate any and all reports immediately. Mark asks the team if they're ready for outer space and they transmute into their G-Force uniforms.

The Phoenix takes off from Center Neptune and to an eventual space shot to Riga. They use their new "time-bypass converter" to arrive at Riga in a just an hour. Mark welcomes them to Riga, "a real paradise" but it seems like a wasteland now with Keyop calling it "Death Valley". Jason has seen prior microfilms when Riga "used to be great". They arrive at Capital City to find everything in ruin with Princess commenting it's like a spider web wanting for its next victim to get stuck!

Tiny slows the Phoenix down over the city as they activate the teleprobe to get some better answers near the spot where the investigative team lost contact. They look closer at "creep city" finding guns everywhere and they're aimed at the Phoenix! The guns open fire nicking the Phoenix's left wing! Mark orders Tiny to take off and he does, taking out the top of a tower in the city. Mark turns back to Jason saying he saw some familiar faces. "Sure, it's the happiness boys from Spectra again". Jason and Keyop want to go after Spectra but Mark throttles them back: their mission is to "find out what happened to the survey team". However, they have uncovered Spectra's presence on the planet.

The Luminous One is not happy about the men revealing themselves to G-Force. He makes it clear to Zoltar that they are not to do that again. Their biggest secret wasn’t discovered though as the Luminous One orders the new form of life that they have created to be unleashed! The Luminous One has grand plans for this new indestructible form of life as they will take over Riga and then Earth as no one will be able to stop it: not G-Force and not the Rigan Air Defenses. Meantime, in the breeding tanks, the creatures form and grow opening some of its eyes for the first time.

A group of fighter planes fly in to investigate as well seeing the creature surface out of the water for the first time! The big blob goes airborne opening its eyes and taking out the fighters that engaged it. Back at Center Neptune, Zark receives word on this blob of "unknown biological matter" and how it is terrorizing the Rigan people. What's worse, Zark is out of contact with G-Force even though his annteuator is at "full strength" and he just has to wait.

Act Two

Zark paces the command room as it has been a whole hour since he's last heard from G-Force. After clearing all the channels, he finally makes contact. Mark informs him that they've seen the aftermath but can't find the "thing with a thousand eyes". According to Zark's probes, it was "incubated in the Sea of Riga" and that's probably where its base is located.

Back on Riga, Tiny submerges the Phoenix in hopes of finding the underwater base. Before going in, Keyop makes a noise about the ocean as Mark adds that the Sea of Riga is really polluted. They coast through some slime finding something ahead of them. Mark orders the monitor to be cycled. At a depth reading of 1000, the Phoenix settles on the bottom of the ocean and they find the base. Nearby, they spot the creature pulsating its glow. Princess says it's a plum pudding with a thousand eyes with Jason remarking, "Thanks, I'll pass the desert. Let's hit it and cut outta here". However, the creature splits in two right in front of them! The division keeps happening until there are a few thousand of smaller creatures surrounding the Phoenix!

On board, the team bounces ideas off each other as their air screens clog up. Jason suggests a few of them going outside and finishing them off with their "proton lasers". Princess is all aboard for that on, wanting to suit up. Mark considers it "too risky" and orders Tiny up to 500, which he does. Mark wants the "TBS missiles with explosive warheads" readied as the Phoenix turns towards the creatures. Jason warns about excessive "hydraulic pressure" that they face with an explosion of one of the warheads, but the creatures will be under it too. At the very last second, they fire and head for the surface.

The explosion occurs sending creatures in every direction but mostly up. The base is destroyed in the process as the Phoenix is caught in a temporary whirlpool. Straightening out, the team race for the surface with the creatures latching onto the Phoenix! Worse yet, the creatures are eating through the protective anti-matter shielding! Mark tells Tiny to give her everything activating the "retro jet blast off" and shutting auxiliary power. The final surge for the surface forces many of the creatures off the Phoenix as she breaks into the air. Mark tells Tiny he's always been an ace with Tiny wondering if he'll get a medal, "Tin," is Jason's crack.

As G-Force coasts in the air, the creatures take flight forming together in the air. Tiny takes off in the Phoenix as Mark surmises that the creature must feed off solar energy out of the water. The creature attempts to use its weapon against the Phoenix but Tiny evades it. It then moves in front of the ship emitting a gas to eat away at the defense coating. Jason suggests another missile blast but Mark kiboshes it: that will only cause the creature to split again. Zark then butts in with an emergency call: they've completed a chemical analysis of the creature.

Zark informs the team the creature was made from pollution in the Sea of Riga and cannot be destroyed underwater as it will continuously regenerate. It can only be killed in the air but that's where it's most powerful using and amplifying sunlight to cause death and destruction. The solution Zark offers is a bunch of high-pressure oxygen into the creatures system and a charge to set it all off. The charge can only be produced by the Fiery Phoenix and Mark is ready but the oxygen has to be dropped in and the timing has to be just right, otherwise it's a miss.

Rigan fighters carry the huge oxygen bomb by slings and move in. The Phoenix flies close by ready to move as the Rigans drop the bomb. Just as that happens, the Phoenix transmutes into the Fiery Phoenix flying into the creature! As they fly through, the Phoenix is under a great deal of stress but emerges out the other side causing a massive explosion. The creature soon disintegrates as the Phoenix reverts to its normal form.

Mark says the Phoenix pulled them through again as the creature's 1000 eyes "have been closed forever". Chief Anderson congratulates the team saying they were followed "all the way" as the Rigan fighters fly off. All Federation flags will be flown in their honor with Zark at the head of the parade for a day of honor for the team. Zark is looking forward to heading the parade and meeting the team but wonders if his "trigatron" can take the excitement. He also wonders how to act when meeting humans: shake hands with Princess and kiss Keyop or is it the other way around!?

This plot summary Copyright Bobbi Baker ©2020. No reproduction of any kind without permission.
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