





The first company to release Battle of the Planets DVDs in Australia was Siren Visual Entertainment. Unfortunately their promises of duplicating the exact content found on Rhino Home Video's releases were errant. This led to the the initial two volumes including Gatchaman episodes without English subtitles. Siren eventually re-issued the first two volumes to correct the mistake, but then decided to scrap any more Gatchaman episodes on subsequent releases. Sales on follow-up volumes quickly flagged and the releases did not go past Volume Eight. 2002 - 2003, by Siren Visual Entertainment.




After gaining the Australian license for Battle of the Planets home video, Madman Entertainment gave the series a showcase release. All 85 episodes were issued over five deluxe DVD box sets. This collection featured the series in Sandy Frank's running order, plus a generous amount of bonus materials including alternate episode versions and a commentary track culled from an interview with Jameson Brewer. 2004 - 2005 by Madman Entertainment Pty., Ltd.


A two disc DVD set from Australia that featured ten Battle of the Planets episodes in a best of collection. 2006, by Madman Entertainment Pty., Ltd.


A two disc DVD set of French language Battle of the Planets episodes released in Canada by Riche Lieu in 2004. It contained twelve episodes. Although listed as Volume 1, no additional discs were issued.


A fifteen disc DVD set from Australia that included the entire 85 epiode run of Battle of the Planets. It also included all of the bonus material from the five, three disc sets released in Australia in 2004 - 2005. This collection was released in 2013, by Madman Entertainment Pty., Ltd.




Unless otherwise stated, all program material, situations, descriptions and depictions are copyright © Tatsunoko Production Co., Ltd.