BotP Close-up 016

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BotP Close-up 016

Post: # 315Post Bobkat »

This week is Microfilm Mystery!

The Other Jason's write up is here:


E16: Microfilm Mystery

Act One

7-Zark-7 paces in the command room as it's the third time this week that the "Infa-therma computer" has malfunctioned. Thus delaying Zark's normal checks of outer space causing him to wonder when his robot assistant will be sent over to make things run more smoothly. Zark decides to peek in at the Delivery Room in the Pediatric ward of the Robot Clinic and Laboratory. When Zark sees the place where he was put together at the same laboratory, he gets a sense of "roots". Scientists are creating his new assistant: "Metamorphosis One," which has a "multiple transformer" working at the temperature of liquid Helium. The plan is for it to be the master computer for all of Center Neptune along with being Zark's assistant. Turns out, Zark was handmade while the robots being built today are machine built by other robots!

On Spectra, the Luminous One summons Zoltar telling him he wants the Metamorphosis One as it contains a microfilm with all the blueprints for Center Neptune. The Luminous One wants this robot and demands success from Zoltar. Zoltar then relays the command for an "electronic takeover" to a commander eagerly awaiting Zoltar's call at an unknown location. He orders his men to target Earth's robots with "computer displacement" prompting the manufacturing robots to go haywire. The workers evacuate as the manufacturing robots destroy the plant.

Out of the rubble of the Robot Clinic and Laboratory, Zoltar emerges with a triceratops looking mech. Spectra has successfully captured the "Meta One" microfilm giving them the capability to reprogram Center Neptune's computers and take over Earth!

As Mark flies his airplane, Zark sounds the alarm briefing what's happened at the robot laboratory. Mark transmutes as the rest of G-Force is notified. They all arrive at the laboratory separately finding the mech standing atop the rubble. Zoltar thanks G-Force for their latest computer as it will fit nicely into Spectra's future plans. Mark buzzes Zoltar on his individual craft enraging the leader, "No more Mr. Nice Guy!"

Zoltar boards the mech making it move toward the ground team members and they back off immediately. What structures are left, are destroyed as the mech walks by including lashing its tail. The team has had enough, they meet up in the Phoenix and go after the mech. Zark is hopeful the team can recover the microfilm because he may be Zoltar's first target in attempting to control Earth's computers!

As G-Force approaches the mech, Zoltar changes his "modus operandi" by inserting a cassette making the mech morph into another form! This time it's a giant caterpillar racing down an elevated highway! Mark orders the city alerted as the mech heads south on "State 3 toward Forest Road". The caterpillar heads out of the city and towards a tunnel where Zoltar orders another transformation and the team is unable to attack because of communications jamming.

Mark tells Tiny to use the "parabolic range finders" and not to lose sight of the mech. Princess tells Mark the computers are jammed and they can't really do anything. Jason wants to "bust on through and jam Zoltar's computer". Keyop likes Jason's idea but has a better one of his own: he'll go into the tunnel alone! Because he's small, he's not liable to be detected as easily. Mark gives the go-ahead but warns Keyop he's on his own as they'll head back to Center Neptune to repair the computers.

The team drops off Keyop and he closes in on the tunnel. That night at Camp Parker, Security Chief Anderson has analyzed the rubble from the robot laboratory. He says of the robot that lays in front him, "Ruined". With Zoltar in control of the Meta One, Zoltar has the ability to reprogram Earth's robots, maybe even Zark. The only hope they have to stop Zoltar is by using a microfilm that has been programmed to neutralize the "metamorphosizer". It's up to the team to retrieve the microfilm Zoltar is using before he reprograms everything. Chief Anderson is hopeful Keyop has found Spectra's base and the location of the microfilm.

Act Two

Zark faces an unusual predicament as the computers on both the Phoenix and those in his command room still aren't working right. All the automated systems have been scrambled even interfering with Zark's flying as he flies away from his monitors when he didn't even want to fly! 1-Rover-1 is having issues too as he rolls over versus sitting up.

Inside the tunnel, Keyop continues sneaking around hoping to find something. A door automatically opens to a small room where Keyop punches a few buttons to find Spectran troops celebrating the destruction of the robot laboratory. Meantime, the caterpillar is on the move sucking in all the raw materials needed to build more metamorphosizers! Mark checks in with Zark saying his circuits are so scrambled, he's not sure if Keyop has tried to contact him or not.

Back in the base, Keyop finds barrels of gunpowder and weapons. Laying out a line, Keyop ignites the powder to blow up the room. He moves on to a drafting room where he finds a microfilm in a photo enlarger. Stealing it, Keyop runs for it as he's chased by Spectran troops! He takes out two of the them with his bolos.

At Camp Parker, the team sits dejected in Chief Anderson's office as they were unable to stop Zoltar from stealing the other computer parts. The door opens with Keyop staggering in and collapsing from exhaustion. The microfilm rolls out of his hand as Princess runs to check on him. He explains he found it in the Spectran base with blueprints all over the place. Chief Anderson is extremely pleased with this turn of events: no doubt there are plans for new metamorphosizers on the film and tells Keyop he did a great job by himself. However, Zoltar is not pleased that a single member of G-Force got past the commander and his men to steal the microfilm!

At Camp Parker, Chief Anderson hands Mark the cassette that could neutralize the whole works. Thanks to the microfilm Keyop found, Zark was able to program the cassette that will render the Meta One useless. All Mark has to do is get on board and stuff it into the computer but it's easier said than done.

Zoltar and the mech continue their rampage of destruction as G-Force follows. Zoltar changes the mech once again, as the caterpillar starts shooting bullets and firing lasers! They're currently out of range but Mark patiently holds the cassette as they try to close in. The caterpillar changes again, as Jason tells Mark to "sing out" if he needs help. Chief Anderson's warning of the task not being easy plays again in Mark's head. However, he becomes more determined than ever as he orders "the mass reaction reserves" ready. Mark wants Tiny to get in as close as he can as Jason wishes Mark luck. As the mech changes, various openings happen all over it. The mech is about to take flight as a stingray! Mark is now growing impatient wanting Tiny to get closer still.

The mech fires lasers at the Phoenix with Tiny deftly evading them. He lowers the Phoenix to drop off Mark who flies into the mech. Mark makes his way to the command bridge surprising Zoltar! The two then spar as Mark disarms the leader of his gun. As Mark is about to insert the cassette, Zoltar jumps him from behind nearly putting him into a chokehold! Mark elbows him and inserts the cassette! Mark then tells Zoltar the Meta One is "finished" and places him under arrest "in the name of the Federation of Peaceful Planets" for crimes against the galaxy. However, Zoltar slips away from Mark's custody by escaping to his individual pod used earlier. Zoltar promises this isn't the end!

Back on dry land, the Meta One has been turned into an amusement park! At Center Neptune, Zark takes the vacuum tube up to his Ready Room where he looks on the bright side of not gaining a robot assistant after all. Susan calls, happy that Zark is back to normal.

This plot summary Copyright Bobbi Baker ©2020. No reproduction of any kind without permission.
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