BotP Close-up 101: Series FINALE!

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BotP Close-up 101: Series FINALE!

Post: # 744Post Bobkat »

This week is Plot 85 of 85 for Battle! :P "The Conway Tape Tap" is one of my favorite eps and I'll get into that in a bit.

There is so much I want to say as I post this plot. I honestly didn't believe I would make it to this point. This project actually started close to 5 years now and included two series! "The Conway Tape Tap" was the 312th plot I wrote. It was also the last one. :)

These plots are a lot of work! It's a matter of not only watching the ep, but to write it out play by play. That's done by watch, pause, type and in some cases, rewind. Imagine me yelling at the DVD player, "What did you just say!?" I did that A LOT! Especially with Battle because of the locations and equipment used.

If you want to write out plots of a series, I would caution you to only do so if you love the series. Merely liking it isn't going to cut it! :lol: By the time you're done, you could very well hate the show. However, I still enjoy the two I wrote up. :)

The other 227 plots that I wrote can be found on my friend's Mike's webpage here:

Yes, I wrote out the plots of the classic Hawaii Five-O series. It was in celebration of that series' 50th Anniversary. (That happened two days after Battle's official 40th Anniversary!) That was a long haul! However, I celebrated when I wrote up the last one! Just like today. (wish I could insert a happy-dance emoji here) :D

So thanks for hanging with me thus far!

"The Conway Tape Tap" is one of my favorite Battle eps. It gives us some insight to the workings of their universe. It also gives us more team dynamics and how stubborn the teammates can be. :) It also is the perfect example of how each ep of Battle was its own encapsulated adventure (not counting the 2-parters!) and was open-ended. There were more adventures to be had! :lol: The ending of Battle could/would be completely different from Gatchaman and, that to me, is why this show is so much fun! :D

I know there are some who criticize this ep due to the editing. I personally don't have a problem with it because I understand the challenges the production folks faced. They did a really good job considering what they were up against. There is actually some editing I'm thankful for because some of the scenes from Gatchaman just wouldn't have worked in Battle. However, it would have been nice to see the fight. But I totally get why they cut it.

If you're interested to see Ken and Joe go at it, it's on YouTube here:

The Other Jason's write-up for "The Conway Tape Tap" is here:

Enjoy our final plot! :D

E101: The Conway Tape Tap

Act One

7-Zark-7 is keeping a constant eye on the universe ready to sound the alert to repel any hostile forces from other worlds. Zark is at his monitors all aflutter because Mark is currently on board a Spectran craft trying to sabotage their power generator. The robot hopes Mark is "all right."

Mark stands above a turbine engine knowing he has to stop the craft he's on from overtaking the Phoenix. The Phoenix and the rest of G-Force are in Fiery Phoenix mode trying to escape Spectra's latest mech. The bug-eyed commander orders the goon to go faster to take down "the G-Force command ship." The monster shaped mech fires a beam from its mouth to force is out of Fiery Phoenix mode but the effort fails. A green goon reports he's never seen anything like it and their "Z Ray" is powerless. The captain orders the Cosmic Beam activated as nothing can stand up against it. The goon powers up the Cosmic Beam with the generator reversing. Mark dumps some debris into the generator before it starts up again to build Warp power. The captain tells the goon, "Don't miss" before ordering "Full Turbine!"

The goon notices something is wrong because he's not receiving full power. The captain angers and says nothing is done right unless he checks it himself. The captain readies to leave the bridge but it stopped by Mark, "You won't have time to check that turbine!" The captain can't believe what he's seeing because he thought Mark was taken out. Mark smarts off to the captain about Earth believing Spectra is gone too. The captain tells Mark he's come to the end his nine lives but Mark makes a run for it. Mark goes for a closing hatch but falls just short. The captain takes over the gun to shoot the Cosmic Ray but the mech self-destructs due to the generator blowing up. The mech crashes into the mountains sending up a huge fireball while the Phoenix returns to normal.

Princess opens her eyes, "glad that's all over" with Keyop adding, "All over me." Tiny circles around to try to find Mark and they find him near the crash site. Mark is flying covered by other colored wings. Tiny swings in to pick him up on Jason's "best order you've given all day." When Mark returns to the bridge, Princess runs to hug him then pounds on him because he worried her so much. The rest of the team is relieved to see him too, especially Keyop.

The team returns to base with Zark saying Mark escaped from the Spectra mech "just in time." However, Zark is concerned about Jason's attitude of late towards his work and friends. The robot is hopeful the stress isn't getting to him while he rides the vacuum tube from his Ready Room to the control room. He's responding to a "distressing" message from the Conway Terminal – the darned thing is jammed! It houses all the defense codes for each planet member of the Federation!

Zark flies to his monitors from his tube even flying over 1-Rover-1! Zark tries to patch in with a security code but even that won't work! The robot knows if Spectra were to get their hands on those codes, the galaxy would be at Spectra's mercy. Zark can't believe, he' been put on hold, which means someone or something has infiltrated the computer complex. Zark is sure it's Zoltar and he is going to call the team from the field to beef up security around the complex. He hopes it's not too little, too late.

Under a partly cloudy sky, Jason sits in an alley on a trashcan with Mark leaning against a chain-link fence. Mark pushes the gunner to talk but Jason isn't having it. Jason finally tells Mark he's sick of being the number two guy and unable to show what he can do for the team. Jason is about to walk away when Mark says they need to see what the "re-briefing" is all about – maybe Jason will get his chance. They run out of the alley to report.

Chief Anderson tells the team he's glad they're all there due to a "serious situation" and one that concerns the entire Federation. The chief briefs the Conway Tapes may be the objective of a Spectra plot. Chief Anderson underscores the importance of their mission asking them if they know how easily Spectra could conquer the Federation if they had the Conway Tape information? Keyop answers, "In a snap!" Tiny wonders how anyone could tap into the tapes, especially considering they're Top Secret. Princess believes it's a job for Security, not G-Force, because if there is a leak one of the Security men should be able to handle it. Chief Anderson then gives them grim news: they sent two of their best men in but they disappeared. Mark then asks if he wants G-Force to take a crack at it.

The chief speaks quietly, sure that Zoltar is behind the tap. He pinches his nose explaining some of Zoltar's agents may have slipped past them. Jason says he's ready, "I've got a score to settle with Spectra." Tiny jumps him, telling him they all do. Chief Anderson wipes his glasses, turning down Jason's offer. Looking at Mark and Princess, the chief explains going in "like gangbusters" will only worsen the situation. He's arranged for Mark and Princess to go in. Jason is fed up and stomps out. Mark's voice stops him at the door – Mark tells Jason he had nothing to do with the assignment. Chief Anderson backs up Mark saying Dr. Fogerty requested Princess and Mark specifically and there was no slight intended. The chief also tells him that he's needed here to take charge of the team should Mark and Princess need backup. Jason stops and re-enters the room with his head down. Chief Anderson sends Mark and Princess on their way because Dr. Fogerty is expecting them. Mark and Princess salute and run out.

At the Conway Complex, Dr. Fogerty meets with Mark and Princess, now in their G-Force uniforms. He tells them he wanted them because of their expertise in electronic surveillance. Dr. Fogerty gets down to business showing them the latest technology, a surveillance probe, but someone or something keeps shorting it out with power surges. Mark surmises it's an inside job and asks if Dr. Fogerty has any clues, but he doesn't. the doctor has deduced the saboteurs have to be in the building somewhere. Mark assures him they'll look around then turns to Princess suggesting she use the Thermo-scanners in her search of the surveillance equipment since she's better at it.

The pair begin their search with Mark somewhat awed at the equipment. He points out the new Phaser Oscillating Units and Princess wants to try putting the Plasma Shield over the Oscillators to find something. They keep searching and using a process of elimination. Every sector has been checked off except 46. Mark pounds the clipboard in frustration wondering how to circumvent the electronic jamming. Princess suggests they switch to Thermal Scanners and search each floor.

Mark and Princess take the elevator to a higher floor (past Floor 30), where Princess hit upon something. When they get off, they run into a closed metal shutter with a sign: "Top Secret Security Area: Everyone Keep Out." Mark dials in his Wrist Activator to scan what's going on inside – a Chinook helicopter sits being worked on. Mark picks up a High Frequency signal being transmitted through space to Spectra Headquarters. Mark determines they need to take a closer look with the signal, the jamming equipment and deep space antennae.

On board the helicopter, two technicians work on the jammer. At the same time, they're making a copy of the Conway Tape! The skinnier guy ejects the tape, asking his buddy if he knows the ramifications of the copy. The shorter, fatter guy answers, "It means we're gonna be rich!" The second guy sets up a communications console to contact Zoltar! Zoltar asks Barlek what he wants and then sees Lokar with the Conway Tape copy. He tells them they've done well and orders them back as soon as they can. Mark and Princess eavesdrop on the conversation as they have snuck aboard the helicopter.

Mark and Princess run for it as Barlek and Lokar prep for take off. The pair run into a room where Lokar locks the door! Mark realizes too late, they're trapped! The Spectrans turn the helo into a space rocket and blast off! Mark and Princess are thrown against the far wall and can only go for the ride. Dr. Fogerty sees the take off and orders a fleet of robot fighters to engage the Spectran "spy ship." The fighters take off and give chase but their missiles are ineffective. Lokar orders the Neutrino Beams activated with Barlek confirming they are ready. The beams make quick work of the fleet, wiping them out!

Dr. Fogerty makes an urgent call to Chief Anderson and the rest of G-Force. He tells them the Spectrans have made off with the Conway Tapes as well as Mark and Princess. Tiny and Keyop are chomping at the bit to mount a rescue effort including flying the Phoenix to rescue their comrades. Chief Anderson says it would be suicide and it's a no-go. Tiny asks what the plan is and Keyop adds, "Do something!" The chief says they'll wait for the Space Alliance decision but Tiny says they’ll talk to Jason about it. Keyop points out that Jason is gone! Tiny and Keyop both know where the gunner is going – to Spectra!

The Spectran craft flies through space, entering Time Warp and there's not stopping it now. Zark says Mark and Princess have been taken to Spectra! On board the craft, Mark and Princess realize they've landed. The craft sits in the middle of a huge Spectran base where Lokar and Barlek disembark. Zoltar greets them once they're off the craft where they hand over the tape and gleefully tell him they have something more. Zoltar is only interested in the tape for now. Lokar and Barlek are dreaming of promotions, maybe to Major who do little and get paid a lot. Zoltar quickly discovers the tape is useless without the decoding device! He orders the pair to find it or their heads will roll!

On board the craft, Mark and Princess are trying to figure a way out but the door is a "special steel alloy" that Mark can't get to budge. Princess tells him there must be some way out and to think hard! For now, they're stuck.

Act Two

Zark stands in his control room with Rover saying Zoltar has the Conway Tapes and should he figure out how to decipher them, the whole galaxy is in trouble. Rover yips at him to stop fretting and do something. Zark keys up his monitors, saying he was able to following the ship all the way to Spectra but he's discovered as well that Jason is missing along with the Phoenix! Zark notes Jason may be the only hope Mark and Princess has for escape.

On the craft, Mark and Princess are still locked in the closet. Mark pulls Jason's gun out his belt in the back! "I don't know why I didn't think of this before. This'll get us out in a hurry!" Mark sets up the drill tip on the cablegun and immediately attacks the lock. Outside the craft, Zoltar continues to struggle with the tape and wonders what is holding up Barlek and Lokar. A pair of goons board the craft to investigate while Zoltar dreams of conquering Earth with the information in his hands.

A pair of green goons walk off the craft but it's Mark and Princess! Mark walks up behind Zoltar and demands the tape back! Zoltar is shocked that G-Force is there along with his men. Zoltar offers the tape over his shoulder but drops it on the floor just as Mark reaches for it. Forcing Mark to kneel on the floor, Zoltar kicks it away but Princess retrieves it with her yo-yo! Mark catches it in the air, telling her good job! They run for it after Zoltar orders his men to capture them. They jump behind the craft where they change into their G-Force uniforms. At the same time, Zoltar takes off in his Devil Star and Princess throws her yo-yo to hitch a ride out.

Mark and Princess are lifted out of the base but land hard in a swamp. When Mark asks her if she's okay, Princess answers, "Sure! I drop down into swamps everyday, just for kicks." Mark knows they need to get moving and they survey the lay of the land only to discover they're on Spectra! Princess gets a bit down wondering if they'll ever make it back. Mark tells her to hang in – they have the Conway Tapes and Zark must be "overloading his Capicators" searching for them.

The pair take off running through the swamp when Zoltar orders his men to capture the G-Forcers "before the sun goes down!" The goons launch the craft to conduct an air search but Mark and Princess keep running. Mark stops noticing multiple Spectran craft water skiing in their direction. Far off, a lone figure stands on a mountain/hill with the sun setting behind him. Mark wonders aloud who the figure is but keeps running for his life with Princess in tow. It's none other than Jason! He flies down to the waiting transmuted G-2 and takes off!

Zoltar watches from above and says, "How did *he* get here!?" Jason drives through the swamp to meet up with Mark and Princess taking several Spectran craft along the way. Zoltar is beyond frustrated, ordering the Serpent machine formed up and stressing that G-Force cannot be allowed to escape! The Serpent forms with its head and tail being the craft used to escape Earth. It comes together in the swamp.

Jason finds Mark and Princess with Mark figuring Jason would show at some point. Jason tosses him a bolt-action rifle, telling Mark, "This one's on me." Jason drives off to engage the serpent! Mark yells at him to wait when he catches the gun but it's too late! Jason drives a collision course against the serpent, even with bright lights in his peripheral vision. Jason is determined to take out the serpent and avoids the swishing tail. The serpent fires a multi-colored beam from its eyes barely missing the car. Jason jumps the G-2 onto the serpent itself while Mark and Princess look on in horror. Jason fires his Gatling gun against it, destroying one of the eyes! This despite bright lights flashing in his direct vision. When it defends itself, the serpent blasts a beam onto itself! Jason jumps the G-2 into the air to escape the explosions.

The serpent explodes into a major fireball and once the shockwave has passed, mark and Princess run to a stopped G-2. Jason has his head down a bit but he quickly recovers. Once the G-2 hatch opens, Princess says Jason looks okay with Mark adding he looks a bit tired. Princess says, "A regular one-man Army." Mark asks where the others are, Jason explains he traveled alone because the chief wanted to wait on the Council. Jason considered it too much "Red Tape" and didn't think Mark would mind. Princess says she doesn't mind at all. Jason jumps out of the car and Mark returns the gun. Jason empties a compartment revealing the decoding device Zoltar was looking for! They hear the Devil Star in the distance where Zoltar vows he will return again and again until Earth is conquered and they are all slaves under his rule! Zoltar leaves to lick his wounds as Jason re-holsters his cablegun, telling his teammates where he parked the Phoenix. Mark compliments Jason on a job well done. Zark says his Fortron Oscillators are still pulsating! He's not sure how they did it, but they managed to defeat Zoltar on his home planet. Mark, Jason and Princess are flying home to Earth aboard the Phoenix.

Zark is certain Zoltar will be back and it's why he keeps watch around the clock. With replaceable circuitry, he can keep watch forever! For now, Zark is in his Ready Room on his slant bed trying Organic Petrol is much better than the Low Octane with all the synthetic additives. It even has a nicer bouquet/"splendid aroma." Zark muses about how great his life is: he has an important job keeping watch over the galaxy and he has the opportunity to work with G-Force. He sees the "five incredible young people" as his family. He says some people call him a machine but he says, "this is living!"

Note: This plot summary includes bits from Episode 62: Decoys of Doom due to repeated footage in Act One.

This plot summary Copyright Bobbi Baker ©2021. No reproduction of any kind without permission.
Last edited by Bobkat on Thu Oct 20, 2022 5:49 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: BotP Close-up 101: Series FINALE!

Post: # 745Post Stardust »

Congrats Bobkat on finishing the series! Great job.
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The Other Jason
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Re: BotP Close-up 101: Series FINALE!

Post: # 746Post The Other Jason »

Incredible, Bobkat!

Thanks so much for hanging in there and for contributing so much awesome content to the board. It was great to read your thoughts and summaries!

I know you you feel with the stopping, rewinding, going over things again and again while watching episodes... You're right, it's the sort of thing you can only do if you really like a series. There aren't many others I'd be willing to go through like this. Then to think you did even more for twelve seasons of Hawaii Five-O! Wow!

I like "The Conway Tape Tap" too. For the longest time, until Sandy Frank's and the Schedule "A" running orders were located, it was seen as the "last" episode of the series, and I think it served fine in that role. Some of the team took the fight to Spectra and came back victorious. Maybe not an end to the battle, but a good stopping point for anyone watching the series in that order.

Even with all its editing, I think the episode came out well. I can see why it was cut down because of the fight between Ken and Joe in Gatchaman. But I often wonder why they didn't simply choose another episode to adapt, rather than use half the Gatchaman episode and a lot of footage from "Decoys of Doom." Unfortunately no one I spoke with could remember why either. Perhaps when it had to be produced, they had no other options available.

Thanks again for all your hard work, it's very much appreciated!
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Re: BotP Close-up 101: Series FINALE!

Post: # 747Post Cure DragonEagle 255 »

THANK YOU BOBKAT FOR A JOB WELL DONE! And thanks for the heads up that this is the series finale!
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Re: BotP Close-up 101: Series FINALE!

Post: # 748Post Bobkat »

You're welcome! I'm glad everyone has enjoyed these. :)
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